Monday, January 18, 2010

Bible in a Year--Day 18

Carrying over the thought from yesterday about The God Who Sees Me, I am struck by how often God appears in some tangible form in our readings. He appeared to Adam and Eve in some form in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8); He spoke directly with Cain (Genesis 4:6 & 10); He spoke to Noah and directed the building of the ark and the repopulating the earth (Genesis 6-9); the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building in Babylon (Genesis 11:5, NIV); He spoke to Job out of the storm (Job 38-42); and now He is speaking and appearing in various forms to Abraham and his family (Genesis 12+). God sees us, God lives in us, and God appears among us. What a wonderful truth!

Without further adieu, today’s scripture reading: Genesis, chapters 19-21

Two angels appear to Lot in Sodom, to warn him and help him escape destruction. Have you ever felt as if you were in the presence of an angel of God? I have and it gives me chills to even think of it. (FYI–this is one of the matters I will question when I get the opportunity to ask Father God all the questions I want in Heaven) Whether angels live and walk among us is a matter only for God to know and Hollywood to aggrandize, but I do know that there are people and circumstances that are absolutely bursting with the loving grace that can only be from the Lord, our God.

God appeared to Abimelech in a dream, as He appears many times throughout the Bible. My human mind tends to wonder to the question: if God appears to me in a dream, how do I know that it is Him and not just some really unique dream? The answer comes even before I really have time to attempt to process the question: if it’s Him, YOU’LL KNOW. God doesn’t do anything half-way and you can be sure that if He chooses to reach out to you through a dream or a vision, you will know it is from Him.

Have you heard God’s voice, speaking to you so clearly that it’s as if He is right there standing next to you? Although I won’t know for certain about my encounter with an angel, and I can’t ever recall having a God-inspired dream, I have heard Him speak to me and when He does, let me tell you, I stop everything else I am doing and listen up! I can tell you this, friends, even in my limited understanding of God and His ways, I know that if He wants you to hear Him you better listen! In a previous post, entitled Thumbprints, I wrote about just such an encounter with the audibility of God.

If God tells you to build an ark, build it! If He tells you to eat this, not that, listen! If God says He will bless you with descendants too numerous to count, you don’t have to knock up your maidservant to make it happen. When he speaks to us, in whatever form He chooses, we must listen.

Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. (21:1-2, NIV)

God isn’t human! I hate to be Captain Obvious here, but so often our human selves seem to think all of the promises God has made to us since Creation have been mere words. As humans, we have a knack for promising ourselves into the ground. We’ll promise to get this chore done or that task checked off. We promise to read the Bible in a Year or lose 20 pounds by summer beach weather. But, as humans, our promises are often only partial-promises. So often, we fall painfully short of the mark. Not God! God keeps His promises every time. EVERY TIME. God speaks to us, tells us “do not be so distressed” (21:12, NIV), gives us direction, gives us comfort, He opens our eyes (21:19). He is an honest and faithful Creator God and He will be ever-faithful to us, no matter how many times we have messed up in the past or will surely mess up in the future.

Help me watch for the promises to come as we continue our journey through the Bible in a Year. We are 2 1/2 weeks in and there is so much more in store for us along this journey than we can even begin to comprehend this early in the game.

Just as a reminder, for anyone who has picked up this post and want to start from the beginning or just speed read and catch up to where we are, you can begin with my New Year’s Resolutions post from December 31, 2009, and the Bible in a Year–Day 1 posting, originally published on January 1, 2010. All of these daily entries will be categorized under Bible in a Year, so that is another option to make this journey a part of your journey, chronologically, through the inspired Word of God. Whatever brought you here, wherever you are on your personal walk with Him, I am so glad you are here and I am excited to take this journey with you.

Also, I have had a wonderful request to post the next day’s scripture reading each day, so that readers and fellow sojourners can know what’s up-and-coming. Excellent idea, so I will begin today (no time like the present). Tomorrow’s scripture reading: Genesis, chapters 19-21. Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

Make it a great day,


Dear God, thank You for touching my life so greatly that you also allow me to share my love for You with others. God, please let me only lift You up and not displease You with anything I write or think as I take this year long journey. Lord, please deepen my understanding as I continue my daily reading and writing, so that what I share of You can be scripture-based and sound. It is in Your mighty name that I pray. Amen.


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