Friday, October 30, 2009

Newsom on Job Restoring the "Order" of the Moral World: An Answer to the Satan's Challenge

I came across this great quote last night, and I thought I would share it.  Enjoy!

“The satan has uncovered an ideological contradiction in the religious discourse that, when brought to light, threatens to render meaningless the fundamental category of that discourse.  As this proto-Nietzschean figure says in his clever genealogy of piety, “Does Job fear God for nothing?  Have you not hedged him about…?”  Fear of God as an absolute value is contradicted by the practice of blessing.  What had been represented as the very image of a coherent and meaningful world in 1:1-3 (blessed existence) is now argued to be a kind of false consciousness.  A hermeneutics of suspicion, if persuasive, performs an unmasking, displacing the false consciousness of ideology with an account that claims to be real truth.  Once exposed, the old categories are emptied of meaning, and a world is destroyed.

In this surprisingly philosophical little didactic tale, what is at stake is not simply the testing of a virtue but the testing of the conditions that make virtue itself possible.  As compelling as the satan’s challenge appears to be, the conventions of didactic story ensure that the hero will meet the challenge and the threat will be discharged.  The interest thus turns to how Job will articulate a form of piety that persuasively resolves the threat of contradiction and incoherency and so restores the conceptual and experiential wholeness of the moral world.”


Newsom, Carol A. “Narrative Ethics, Character, and the Prose Tale of Job.” Pages 121-134 in Character & Scripture: Moral Formation, Community, and Biblical Interpretation. Edited by William P. Brown. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans, 2002.  126

If you want a job, you have to work at it

Call me old fashioned but I’m shocked and appalled at the number of stories I hear about young folk – supposedly keen to get a career and make their mark on the world of work – who are given opportunities only to chuck it in because it requires some effort. Yes, sorry kids, working is tough and requires more energy than lying in bed watching movies all day or pissing around on computer games.

Take, for example, the girl on work experience at my mate’s PR firm the other month. She piddled around on Facebook all day and then didn’t bother turning up for the rest of the week. Then there’s the lad who can’t be arsed to get in work on time and leaves it until mid morning to call in sick. What’s that all about? And what about the kid who turned up at a newspaper office in trainers and asked if he could go home at lunch time because he was bored. Oh, and I once interviewed someone for a trainee reporter’s job who looked at me blankly when asked “what is news?”. Do your research peeps, it’s competitive out there!

When I was a wee cub reporter I made such an effort to create a good impression. Being given a job wasn’t enough for me, I wanted to keep it, and not only that – I wanted to be good it at. This was tough for me, I was painfully shy, but well aware that I was going to have to put myself in some uncomfortable positions if I wanted to learn and do well. I may have hated a lot of it, but it’s just what I had to do.

So, knowing that I wanted to be a journalist I spent two weeks’ work experience at two local newspapers because I knew I wouldn’t have a hope in hell of getting a job without a bit of experience. A lot of people think they want to be journalists but you only get taken on if you’re serious about being one. I was.

That said, those two weeks were hell on earth and the longest days on the planet. Time ticked oh so slowly and with my super shyness on top, I was soooo glad when it was all over. I knew one of the weeks wouldn’t be so great when I phoned a week before my arrival to ask what the dresscode was.

“Where a shirt and tie lad, the usual office stuff,” said the editor down the phone to me.

“Erm, I’m a girl,” I explained, nervously.

“Er…er… then wear whatever you want,” he stuttered.

Ironically, a decade later when I was sitting in the editor’s chair, this man became my deputy. I never did remind him of his misplaced dresscode advice, or the fact he never signed and returned my work experience certificate.

During my first few years as a reporter, senior reporter and then chief reporter, I made sure to be the first in the office and the last to leave. Okay, so I may have been there only two minutes before and two minutes after everyone else, but I had a point to prove. And if my editor was working late then so did I.

I don’t do sick days, the only time I’ve had off ill is four days with flu back in 1999 and two days around five years ago because I had an operation and couldn’t drive. But if I ever do feel ill enough not to go to work, I’ll be sure to notify my line manager before 9am and preferably not by text message. It’s not good enough to call in at 10am when your boss has already sent out a search party!

Sometimes, there’s nothing I’d love more than to sack work off for the day and spend it in bed watching back-to-back Murder She Wrote, catch up on sleep or go shopping. But I don’t. I have a job to do, which for the most part I enjoy and which pays my bills. I have to go.

So for lazy teenagers or 20-somethings given a chance at their chosen career to not put the effort in – especially in the current climate when jobs are few and far between – is simply scandalous. Sorry folks, you will have to drag yourself out of bed in the mornings, you will have to sacrifice other things you enjoy doing in daylight hours and you will have to spend time doing mundane tasks before you get a proper footing on the career ladder. But jobs aren’t handed out and you usually have to do more than turn up every now and then to keep them. Oh, and another thing…. having a degree doesn’t mean you’ll fall into a job either and neither does it entitle you to one. If you have to work for free to get some experience for a while then that’s what you have to do. Work hard in the early days and you’ll reap the benefits in later life. Honest.

"You are an attractive, intelligent, confident businesswoman."

Tomorrow/ in less than nine hours, I’ll be starting my new job. At a place I kind of never imagined myself. I mean, it was a possibility, but it just seemed so lofty. So as usual, I’m finding myself somewhere unexpected.

Let’s just hope this isn’t me in the morning…

To back up a bit before wrapping up, I had to take it one step further in regards to my weekend’s worth of life lessons learned again and again. The big one: people only disappoint you when you set up expectations. And if anyone knows anything about expectations, it’s this guy.

With that, I should hopefully hit the bed soon and very soon, hopefully putting to rest any other expectations about this next chapter in my life.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I got my qualifications, now what?

So I passed my course with flying colors, now what? This is probably the most common question asked amongst students after completion. Whilst a sense of achievement overwhelms you, the reality of starting your career can be somewhat daunting not to mention nerve-wrecking.

With no roadmaps, instructions or guidance for many students completing their studies is much easier then getting the job. As with studying, no step-by-step manual is provided and you are left to figure it out all by yourself.

How do you enter a world you know relatively little about? Where do you start, what strategy do you follow?

Although it all seems gloomy, it’s not as traumatic as it appears to be. Getting a job might not be easy but it’s hardly impossible!

At Darnell training Academy we believe that the key to success is in your own hands and although we cannot guarantee success, we can try to direct you to the right door! We do not only provide our students with the correct knowledge to land their dream job, we also direct them on how to get the job!

Our specialised recruitment team provides all our candidates who have completed their course at the Academy with the support they need to develop their careers goals. With years of recruitment experience across a broad range of sectors our team prides itself on delivering first class service in a very competitive market.

Whether you seek a new job or career guidance our specialised team will be able to provide you with the assistance needed- all you need to do is forward your resume to one of our recruiters and we will try to get you a job that match your qualifications.

If you have completed your course and passed your exams our Academy offers you recruitment service without any charge. At Darnell training Academy we believe that our students come first!

Not only do you get to develop your skills to get your dream job, but at Darnell training Academy we actually help you find that perfect job.

So who said it would be impossible? At The Darnell training Academy everything is possible and we will assist you every step of the way.

To contact the Darnell training Academy recruitment team call 0845 475 0000 (ext 301 or 417).

Lessons Of Life

Written By Regina Brett, 90 years
old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio .

“To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons
life taught me.
It is the most-requested column I’ve ever written.”

My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is
the column below once more:

1.  Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5.Pay off your credit cards every month.

6.You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.

8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.

12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.

13.Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14.If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.

16.Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.

18.Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20.When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.

21.Over prepare, then go with the flow.

21.Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.

22. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

23.Frame every so-called disaster with these words ”In five years, will this matter?”.

24. Always choose life.

25.Forgive everyone everything.

26.What other people think of you is none of your business.

27.Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.

28. However good or bad a situation is, it will change..

29. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

30. Believe in miracles.

31. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.

32. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

33. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.

34. Your children get only one childhood.

35. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

36. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere-

37. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.

38. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

39. The best is yet to come.

40. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

41. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.

42. Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves.

Simply Forget

I have trouble sleeping at night, more like I have trouble being alone at night.  Especially when it’s almost 2 a.m. and Im used to talking to you at this hour, but you aren’t there anymore, you haven’t been for awhile.  For a long time I was preoccupied, my days were so crazy that at night I didn’t notice as much, or maybe I just never really thought it through.  But I notice now, or maybe I just need you more.  I don’t know what’s going on with me, I never really do – but you used to have a way of turning a simple conversation into a healing tool. Before I knew it, it didn’t matter if I didn’t know what was going on with me, because everything felt much more simple, it felt like it would all work out and be okay. I miss that, now I have to actually focus on the fact that my life is a bit of a mess and well, I don’t know what is going on with me.

Someone asked me today about job interviews and what I was planning to do after May.  Truth is I have no idea. None. Part of the problem is that I don’t know what I want.  The bigger problem is I don’t know how to figure out what I want. It would be great if you had some words of advice or some insight, though optimism’s never really been your thing. If nothing more, right now I’d just settle for one of those simple conversation that make me forget.  Even for just a night – worry can always hold off til tomorrow.

Monday, October 26, 2009

uns 15 minutos

que na verdade duraram quase 2h. vc acha q tava na rota certa e de repente a coisa desanda, descarila. daí eu fico meio bicuda, decepcionada. e não tem coisa pior do que ficar brava/desapontada comigo mesma.
atomosfera apocalíptica. e com a decepção, o fim do mundo parece vir direto e reto em mim.

[foco foco foco]
penso na frase sobre os tímidos… q não sou assim tão importante para todos os olhares estarem virados pros meus defeitos e escorregões. a calma vem aos poucos.
alguém comenta algo sobre cólicas.
aí tudo se ilumina: é a tpm.

não sou tão porcaria assim (tampouco excepcional).

US jobless claims drop to nine-month low | Business Breaking News |

( – Contract for Difference, Share, Forex, ETFs, Commodities Traders) –

The seasonally adjusted number of claims in the week to October 3 fell by 33,000 to 521,000 from the previous week’s revised figure of 554,000, the US Labor Department said overnight.

It was much lower than the 540,000 forecast by most economists and the lowest level since January 3, when th …

The seasonally adjusted number of claims in the week to October 3 fell by 33,000 to 521,000 from the previous week’s revised figure of 554,000, the US Labor Department said overnight.

It was much lower than the 540,000 forecast by most economists and the lowest level since January 3, when the number of new claims was 488,000.

The four-week moving average, which smooths out week-to-week volatility, also fell, by 9,000 to 539,750 from the previous week’s revised 548,750.

The total number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits shrank, too.

According to the department’s figures, the number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending September 26 was 6.04 million, a drop of 72,000 from the preceding week’s revised level of 6.112 million.

Most economists had expected a higher 6.105 million figure.

The department’s weekly report offers one of the most up-to-date snapshots of the job market, critical to economic momentum.

Although the level of new claims is still far too high, analysts say it is heading in the right direction as most government and private data point to a US recovery from one of the most brutal recessions since December 2007.

“Four declines in the past five weeks, taking the claims down to 521,000 from 576,000, looks like a healthy trend to us,” said Ian Shepherdson, chief US economist for High Frequency Economics.

For the labour market to balance, claims will have to reach around 350,000, said Michael Bratus, an analyst at Moody's

The current trend signalled that the unemployment rate was nearing its peak, he said, forecasting the jobless rate to climax just above 10 per cent in the first half of 2010.

Source: US jobless claims drop to nine-month low | Business Breaking News |

Nicht gleich aufgeben

Wenn Menschen sich öffentlich blamieren, sich einem harten Urteil aussetzen, was bringt ihnen das dann? Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass nicht jeder von ein klein wenig Anerkennung träumt, wenn nicht gar davon berühmt zu werden. Ja, vor allem junge Menschen, Menschen wie ich. Weil es so leicht scheint, aber das ist es nicht. Es ist nicht leicht, es ist nur leichter als es wahrscheinlich früher einmal war. Moderne Medien und vielfältigere Möglichkeiten haben die Chance ein bisschen gesteigert.
Dennoch jeder träumt davon. Menschen mit genialen Ideen kriegen die Anerkennung und werden bewundert. Es gibt heute auch ein paar so genannte Prominente, die sich durch nichts auszeichnen. Aber wer wir wirklich alle sein wollen, sind die Poeten, die Komiker, die Wissenschaftler, die unser Leben bereichern, deren Namen eines Denkmals würdig sind.

Als ich klein war, hatte ich nie ein Vorbild. Und auch heute hab ich kein festes Idol, sondern versuche mir immer nur an Auszügen von Menschen ein Beispiel zu nehmen, die mir imponieren. Seinem Idol zu gleichen, hieße ja eine Kopie von jemandem zu sein. Das ist vielleicht das Grundproblem der Zukunft, vielleicht wird eines Tages der Punkt kommen, an dem alles schon einmal da gewesen ist. Oder, um es präziser zu formulieren, vielleicht gibt es eines Tages so viele Ideen, dass vor lauter Begeisterung und Nachstreben keiner mehr auf eine neue Idee kommt. Früher habe ich eines Tages meine Mutter gefragt, ob nicht irgendwann alle Noten ausgeschöpft wären, ob die Musik sich nicht eines Tages nur noch wiederholen könne, da irgendwann alle Kombinationen ausgeschöpft seien. Sie stutzte bei dem Gedanken, trotzdem versicherte sie mir, dass das nicht passieren würde. Heute weiß ich, sie meinte nicht zu meinen Lebzeiten.

Oft frage ich mich, ob es ein Erfolgsrezept gibt, das einen zum Helden macht. Muss man darauf warten entdeckt zu werden? Muss man nach jedem Strang greifen, ganz bewusst von Casting zu Casting laufen? Es gibt diese Filmszene in „Kleine Haie“, in der Ingo Hermann (Jürgen Vogel) versehendlich für einen Bewerber an einer Schauspielschule gehalten wird, weil er mitten ins Vorsprechen stürmt und sich darüber aufregt, dass er schon ewig warten muss, denn er soll bloß einen Stuhl liefern. Also findest du die Berufung oder findet die Berufung dich? Manchmal komme ich mir so hoffnungslos vor auf der Suche nach dem richtigen, nach dem glücklichen Weg. Und ich wünschte ich hätte mehr Zeit, um die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen. Als Kind hat man mir oft in vielen Dingen so viel Talent nachgesagt, aber heute frage ich mich, wo dieses Talent geblieben ist. Ich glaube, es wurde Zerquetscht. Zerquetscht von der Realität. Seit ich diese Erkenntnis gewonnen habe, versuche ich nicht mehr erwachsen zu sein. Es stimmt wahrscheinlich, man wächst wirklich an seinen Aufgaben, aber man darf einfach nicht gleich aufgeben.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sorry Comforters

As I read through Job, I’m surprised to identify so much with Job’s friends. Not that I would say the same things they do, but that I have a tendency — out of a Petrine “not knowing what else to say” I’m sure — to theologize and give sermonettes about God’s workings rather than identifying with someone’s suffering and leading them to the Redeemer (not Tim Keller’s church!). It’s not so much that Job’s friends have awful theology — sometimes it is — but that they were more wrapped up in their theology than in comforting their brother.

My life!

Today I went to work thinking that I was going to get a promotion, but when I got there  i found out that I didn’t pass a test, it just dealt with all the streets in the Chicagoland area Main streets, side streets, multiblock orientated street configuration,i don’t have that stuff on my mind all the time,i’m thinking a little too big for those guys right now! I like to teach, so this is what I’m trying to get done, I talked to a couple people about  starting a class at work dealing with radio transmissions, i’m not sure if the company staff is interested in someone who is fairly new at the company teaching employees how to use proper radio etiquette. So for right now I will bide my time until I can put myself in a position where I can start my own transportation business, this is what I want to do but that will probably be in a best case scenario. If you have the company are so ignorant it’s mind-boggling but this is what happens when you get a lot of black people together hadn’t learned anything for most of their natural lifes and when someone comes in and who’s smart they tend to get a little jealous envious and they take it as a negative instead of looking at it as a positive, when they see brothas like myself, and I take exception to that because I’m here to help I’m not here to hinder anyone or stop anyone from doing anything, I just want to see us make it as a people but I know that would not happen because of the way we think ,we never stick together, were always trying to bring each other down, and it’s a big effort just to even get along being around my own people and that’s just crazy, I just don’t understand. Right now my passion is building, analyzing, fixing computers, and this is what I’d really love to do. I want to make sure that every low income household is able to afford a small system. I’m not saying really big and expensive but small, affordable, cheap,first time computer users can start off slow with one of my systems and when they become accustomed to the system i provide, they can go a buy that big exspensive one they think they might be ready for, this is how I come in and help.if i can get donations from people who might not want an old computer, they donate to me I fix it and make it possible for people who would normally be able to afford an expensive system to be able to afford one!    I know this will be a major effort on my part because it’s a no-win situation even though I’m selling computers for $150 people still don’t want to do the right thing, you can buy a computer system that costs $150 anyway, Tower monitor keyboard and every thing that goes along with it for that amount of money nowhere. So I keep on telling people about my website and giving people my car telling them that I build the fix computers, I get a lot of people talk about yeah they want to get one but for the most part they don’t, they just do a lot of talking. My website is Today I was just venting a little bit and I hope you guys tune in every week to read my blog and see what’s going on with my life and the things that I’m tring to accomplish . Peace!

Coffee Cup Analogy

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university lecturer. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the lecturer went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups: porcelain, plastic, glass, some plain-looking and some expensive and exquisite, telling them to help themselves to hot coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the lecturer said: “If you noticed, all the nice-looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the better cups and are eyeing each other’s cups.” “Now, if Life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, but the quality of Life doesn’t change. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee in it.” So please, don’t let the cups drive you…enjoy the coffee instead. Being happy does not mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to see beyond the imperfection

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university lecturer. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the lecturer went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups: porcelain, plastic, glass, some plain-looking and some expensive and exquisite, telling them to help themselves to hot coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the lecturer said: “If you noticed, all the nice-looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the better cups and are eyeing each other’s cups.”

“Now, if Life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, but the quality of Life doesn’t change. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee in it.”

So please, don’t let the cups drive you…enjoy the coffee instead.

Being happy does not mean everything is perfect.  It means you have decided to see beyond the imperfection.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

celebrities are unemployed, too!

do you know what the only thing that super-celeb lindsay lohan has to show for her 2009 (well, besides a rocky relationship and swirling drug rumors)? ONE movie. a made-for-tv movie. that aired on ABC family. i bet you can think of quite a few more accomplishments from your past year.

if you’re feeling woeful about your employment prospects or lack thereof, just think: folks like lilo, scarjo, and j-lo are just as unemployed as you when their well o’projects on deck dries up. the difference? they’ve just got more money to throw around, and more people know their names. so, the next time someone asks you the dreaded “job” question, just answer: “i’m in between projects.” ahh. now doesn’t that feel better?


Tempranito y con noticias frescas frescas frescas.

Acabo de enviar mi traducción para Language Editor. Esto no es tan sencillo como traducir 50 frasecitas de juegos diversos de la Play. Pagan a 6€ la página (sí, €, así que si alguien se anima… hay incluso traducción de catalán, pena que no la hay de gallego). He enviado mi prueba, aunque no sé si esto mi interesa, son traducciones de verdad, no chistes, y empiezas cobrando 1,5€/pág por repasar traducciones hechas por otras personas. Lleva tiempo y es bastante cansino, no sé si pedirán que estés en algún régimen self-employed… y si no lo hacen, va a ser que esto no es del todo legal. En fin… me siento más segura con Sony, aunque corra el riesgo de quedarme sin dedos y de vivir permanentemente con ojos inyectados de sangre.

Las buenas nuevas son… ¿y por qué tan temprano? Porque hoy madrugué para hacerle el desayuno a Manu mientras se duchaba, y hoy se duchó a eso de las 6.00 a.m.

¿Por qué haría semejante cosa?


Está en una fábrica en Newhaven (pueblo de al lado; para los de los mapas: más al este, creo recordar).

La ETT (agencia de reclutamiento o Recruitment Agency aquí) llamó ayer para reclutarlo. Yo dije el lunes que tenía entrevista “mañana” (osea, ayer), otra el Jueves y otra más sin precisar (estos eran los de Sony, que no nos poníamos de acuerdo), así que no me reclutaron, pero a Martin (nuestro reclutador) le dio la risa cuando, al regresar el Martes para hacer el contrato de Manu, le dije que el Lunes que viene tenía otra más (los de Sony al fin).

Al ir Manu a la ETT, arrastramos a Manuel con nosotros y… ¡también fue reclutado! Así que me ha cedido el palo puñetero… Ojalá llueva a cántaros y no pueda ir a por el palito dichoso, que prefiero hacer traducciones (pero no, empezará a llover cuando ya lo tenga en las manos…).

La entrevista de ayer? bien, creo que nos gustamos mutuamente, pero como no tengo referencias en Inglaterra, va a ser difícil. Los trabajos con niños o ancianos y los que no son con estos, pero en lugares donde abundan (como colegios, asilos, algunos hospitales…), exigen CRB (Criminal Records Bureau), cosa que yo no tengo aún. Esto, al parecer, se consigue siendo buena persona y teniendo a tu casero asequible y dispuesto a darte referencias, no como nosotros, que lo tenemos en Murcia rascándose la barriga y sin querer saber nada (para algo paga a uno que nos aguante y tal y tal).

En realidad no sé cómo va el asunto del CRB, tengo que investigarlo, pero por lo que entendí a mi entrevistadora de ayer, necesito referencias como persona y como trabajadora, y a partir de ahí, ellos (la empresa esta) se ponen en contacto con la policía o los juzgados o lo que sea, y me hacen un chequeo criminalístico. Y de ahí debiera nacer el Basic CRB (porque no es la cosa tan simple, hasta hay distintos niveles de CRB, no vayáis a pensar…).

En fin…

Además de todo esto, no sé qué gran firma que está empezando en Brighton me llamó ayer para una entrevista, pero entre mi supermega inglés de la leche y el ruido de la calle, no me enteré de nada. Les pedí que me llamaran en otro momento, que cuándo, que en media hora… y he llegado ya al día siguiente, pasaron varias medias horas, pero aquí nadie ha llamado. Temo que llamen hoy a la hora correspondiente a media hora después de la llamada de ayer… Habrá que poner el tlf. en el fregadero para enterarse de la llamada… Es que el fregadero tiene buena cobertura, no como todo lo demás…

Y con esto… os dejo vivir un poco.


time flew, lots new

Two weeks into my new bank job and I’m really starting to miss the freedom and excitement of journalism.

I know I’ll go back one day. But in the meantime, I have to get up at an ungodly hour, commute with everyone and their mom out to Oakland, eat and drink only on strictly scheduled breaks, watch my language, learn a staggering new lexicon of acronyms and sales jargon,  smile through the insomnia-induced fatigue, try my damndest to stay awake in class and suffer in heels and a suit all day.


It’s potentially a soul-sapping business, but definitely an interesting new endeavor for me.  Most interesting are the personalities in my banker’s class (which lasts through November, btw, afterwhich I’ll start working at an East CoCo County branch as a personal banker): The loudmouth, the self-important-but-secretly-insecure finance major, the should-be-comedian, the cowboy-veteran, the single mother, the aspiring pediatrician, the still-figuring-out-what-to-do-in-life bio major, the quirky cute girl, the dime-a-dozen career retailer and, of course, the eagle-eyed “facilitator” (that’s bank-speak for teacher).

It’s fun-ish, but Jeweezus, I never realized what a goddamn timesuck work could be. I’ll still try to keep ya posted, via this blog, though (more photos, more posts, more often).

Later, lovelies!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Girl Bites Cat

Part of my job entails taking photos of houses.

It’s one of my favorite aspects of my position.   I get to be a little artsy, a little creative, but not too much because Lord knows that Real Estate Photography and Artistic Photography have about as much in common as peanut butter and a bag of rocks.  This became apparent after my first gig, where I took pictures with ANGLES! and LIGHTING!  and SHAPES! and my boss surveyed them with her characteristic grin and politely told me that a weasel with a LiteBrite could have done a better job.

So last Thursday was the third house that I had photographed.  It was a rambling one story house with beautiful floors and a broad kitchen, the sort of place that made me wish I had a spare several hundred thousand dollars hidden away in a sock in my closet.  I had been there only once before, when I was setting it up for a realtor tour.  The occupant was a bright girl who was doing what she could to make the place look nice.  She had set up several signs around the premises.  Signs that said ‘PLEASE DO NOT LET CAT OUT’.

I looked for said cat.

I found him in the center of a hallway, watching with amusement as the house tenants picked their way around him.  He was a sprawling grey tabby with a luxurious coat and those deep jewel-eyes that cats sometimes have.

Oh, I thought.  One of those cats.

“Yes, well, he is declawed,”the tenant said, ferrying a vacuum cleaner to a back closet.  “If he got out, I just…I just don’t know what would happen.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” I told her.  “These agents, they are very conscientious.  They deal with this sort of thing all the time.”

(NOTE:  Not all agents are ‘very conscientious’.)

So I finished preparing for the tour and went back to work.

I didn’t go back until the next day, to take those photographs.  By that time I had forgotten about the tabby.  I got out of my car, balancing camera equipment around my person, struggled to activate the lockbox that realtors use to get in and out of the houses, and kicked the door open to save my busy arms the effort.  Sitting directly in front of the door, his green-jewel eyes cocked in an expression of irritation, was The Cat.

“MRAAAAAOW,” he said imperiously.

“Oh, hi Cat,” I said breathlessly.  I set my equipment down as carefully as I could and pushed the door shut with my toe.  The Cat surveyed me with interest.

“Fft!” he said suddenly, stalking forward on long, limber legs.  “Mrow?”

“Cameras.” I told him.   “I’m going to take pictures.” I settled a bulky panoramic lens on our tiny Sony.  It looked a little ridiculous.

“Prrt!” The Cat said.  He sniffed at the silver carrying-case.  “Prrow?”

I gave him a long look.  I had been told before, by many jaded agents with haggard faces and flowered shirts, that in Real Estate-ese  “I have a pet” means  “You have a problem.”  That factoid wedged itself into my brain, a nugget of uncertainty.

“Just…try to stay out of the way,” I said, stroking his back.  “No cats in these pictures.”


I set up a shot of the living room, including the bay window and the fireplace.  I silently congratulated myself.  A good shot.  Just as I took the picture, I noticed a slight slithering movement in the edge of the frame.

The Cat lay stretched on the rug.

“CAT,” I said.  “Cat, these are house pictures.  Move.”

“MRAOW.” The Cat said.  “MRAAAOW.”

I strode forward, plucked up the cat, and set him in the kitchen.  Returning to my beautifully composed photo, I retook the shot and examined it on the playback.

On the lower right, a smooth grey tail waggled like a banner.  I looked down.  The Cat stared placidly up at me.

“Mrrrrr,” he purred.

I scooted him behind me with my foot and took the shot quickly, holding him in place with the point of my boot.  Once I had the living room secured in my little Sony, I glared down at him.

“Mrow?” he asked.

I plucked him up and stomped to a back bedroom.  He purred peacefully in the crook of my arm until I gingerly threw him in and shut the door.

Freakin’ cat.

I proceeded to take photos of the rest of the house.

The photos went rather quickly when I didn’t have The Problem to deal with.  I took shot after shot with laser-like precision.  Each bedroom became a boudoir.  The garage became a workshop.  The wood floor was polished and flawless and the kitchen became ‘airy and spacious’.  For about five minutes, I was the Dali of real estate photography.  My pictures would make a broker fall to their knees, before the glory of a well-lit bathroom, and weep tears of joy for the perfection of their art.  I was, quite clearly, some kind of prodigy.

In the middle of a rather painstakingly angled shot of the laundry room, however, I was jolted back to reality.


I lowered my camera slowly, waiting.  He could sense my movement.  Better to wait until he stopped listening for me.


Holding my breath, I peered into the viewfinder of the camera, and slowly clicked the button.



“AUGH, CAT,” I shouted.  “I’m almost done, okay?  A few more rooms.”


I tried to stay calm and finish my work, but with each passing second, the yowls grew in intensity and volume.  Somebody was going to pass by and think I was knifing a yodeler.  Or worse…the girl who owned the cat would come home and hear her baby screaming for release.  That would look bad.  I began snapping photos recklessly, picking up images of dark corners and shoddy woodwork.  The flawless chapel of real estate I had created was crumbling more with each substandard picture I took.



Another bathroom: too bright, too small.  A closet: taken shut, shoot, shoot.  No time to retake.


I had almost finished, except…augh.  The backyard.  I didn’t want to risk The Cat running out there.  He’d have to stay in the room for now.


He had changed tactics.  I bolted through the backdoor and began snapping pictures of the yard.  It was broad and had lots of corners for landscaping…I’d need to be sure I showed it…

I clicked away madly, suddenly become aware of a series of muted thumps.  That bastard was trying to break out.  He was going to break his skull.  That girl would come home and her newly mopped wood floors would be splattered with cat skull.  I continued photographing, uncomfortably aware of the bashing sounds issuing from the house.  Something was going to happen, and I was going to get blamed for it.  Hurry hurry hurry.


And suddenly the thumping stopped.

It was not a comfortable sort of silence.

The next several events took place in slow motion, as my brain sped beyond the movement of my body.  With a sudden jolt of fear, I realized the back door was open.  The back door was open, and the thumping had stopped.  A low bass tremor of terror stabbed my heart and I turned, the camera dangling on its string around my wrist.  I saw The Cat padding through the kitchen, towards the open door, head down, eyes intent, moving closer velvet step by velvet step.  I saw the sign, like some sort of prophetic herald, taped to  the glass, “PLEASE DO NOT LET CAT OUT”, the ‘please’ underlined with the fervor of a mother’s love.  I felt myself take a step, then another, then a lunge, and then a dive.  I reached for The Cat, just as he noticed my wild-eyed arrival and began to turn, and instead of finding myself with an armful of fur, I got a faceful of cat butt as I belly-flopped onto the kitchen floor, sliding towards the refrigerator.  The startled cat, propelled forward by my momentum, endured this moment in silence.

We slowed to a stop.  The Cat shifted, and before he could full recover from the indignity of it all, I stumbled to my feet and shut the back door.  He watched this peevishly, and jumped onto the kitchen counter.


Rather than stuff The Cat in a blender, as was my first inclination, I packed up my equipment and left.

Epilogue: The next week, after I had loaded my photos onto the necessary websites and put them on the necessary flyers, my boss called me.

“What are these on the websites?”

“Photos?” I suggested.

“Well,” I heard my boss chewing the thought over.  “You’ll have to retake them.  I don’t  know what you were up to, but they’re pretty unusable.”

Cue sad trumpet.



Da laufe ich einen Weg entlang und stelle fest, dass die Handwerker auf dem Gerüst ein ganz brauchbares Motiv abgeben. Ich mache zwei Fotos, da kommt einer und meint, ich dürfte nicht fotografieren.

Da wurde ich aber pampig. Ich stand auf einem Bürgersteig und habe eine bleibende Gebäudefassade fotografiert. “Da gilt doch Panoramafreiheit“, sagte ich. “Das ist ein öffentlicher Weg und die Männer sind nicht zu erkennen.” Ja aber, meinte der Mann, der merkte, dass das Fotografierverbot nicht zu halten war, das wäre Baustellenbereich und daher nicht öffentlich. Ich ging einen halben Meter zurück auf den Radweg. “Oder muss ich auf die andere Straßenseite?” “Ja, da können sie fotografieren.”

Im nachhinein denke ich, dass es besser gewesen wäre, das nicht auszufechte, denn wenn der die Kamera einkassiert hätte, wäre das aufwändiger gewesen, die wieder zu bekommen, als Recht zu behalten.

Lowongan Kerja :

PT. BALANTA BUDI PRIMA, Sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang PJTKI, membuka lowongan sebanyak – banyaknya kepada putra – putri Indonesia yang berbakat, mempunyai skill dan ingin mengembangkan karir, memperluas pengalaman di bidangnya. Membuka Lowongan kerja dibidang :

  1. Hotel & Restaurant
  2. Engineering
  3. Constructions
  4. Driver
  5. Etc….

Yang akan di tempatkan di hotel dan juga perusahaan besar di Negara: Canada, Angola, Timur Tengah dan Eropa.

Jika anda berminat menjadi bagian dari kami dan mereka yang telah sukses, kirimkim CV anda ke :

Atau kirimkan ke alamat berikut ini :


Jl. Utan Kayu Raya, No. 102. Jakarta Timur 13120

DKI JAKARTA – Indonesia

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi :

Mr. Andy.

Phone   : 021 – 92955509, 081383 768910

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Job Awful Truth's: The 7 Deadly Sins of the Job Search



Possibly the most severe of the 7 Deadly Sins of the Job Search is Pride. It is a sad situation when your ego grows so large that you will not consider or will pass on a new position based solely on the title. Being specifically focused on a position’s title gives the impression that you think you are better or more important than others and can appear to be arrogant rather than confident. When you hit a crossroads in your career, you should evaluate all new opportunities on a wide range of variables. Someone truly committed to making the best career choice will evaluate the scope of responsibility for each position; a company’s organizational structure; the management responsibilities you will have; the company’s mission and value statements; and the company’s reputation in the industry. There might be a valid argument for certain companies to evaluate their titles against those of their competitors to stay innovative in their market. Even so, THE AWFUL TRUTH is, sometimes the best job for you might not have the best title.

©Copyright, 2009, Nicole Dukehart. All rights reserved. Used with Permission.


Rose Canvas Prints

We are proud to take place able to bring you around of their be presentst composition at the same time as fabulous and reasonable stretched canvwhen and fine skill paper prints bringing a splwhileh of colour to your homespun before exert yourselfplace. workforce Buildings – no more are the days of bland, unimaginative bureau buildings and colour is regularly the order of the day. Print Photo on Canvas

Printing photos on picture hsince turn into lone of the nearly everyone standard ways to exhibition rancid your favourite images, and image prints are a control to state décor accessory, but I beg your pardon? canvas pictures and photos be successful best. We can and add various property to your photos, such having the status of sepia, pop fine art, comic talent and black and white.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New PR intern: Ben Robinson, starts at Big Cat!

Having completed an English degree at Aberdeen University in June, I was fully aware that I had one more chance to revel in the spoils of what would be my last summer as a student, before I embarked upon what was to be, if not a career, at least something that would fill my pockets in the absence of the all too heavily relied upon student loan. In order to offset the trepidation and prevailing angst, my friends and I avoided the subject of the ‘real world’ at all times and carried on our lackadaisical student lifestyle with vigour, sitting back and watching the last few students slowly dwindle out of Aberdeen. All of a sudden it was my turn to leave!

 Having returned home to live with my parents, the next few months weren’t much fun. Sending off about 50 job applications a day and only getting the response of; ‘Dear Benjamin, thank you for your application, however we feel that you do not have the necessary experience for this position’. Now answer me this, how was I supposed to gain the experience I needed if no one would employ me? Slowly it began to dawn on me that I may have to settle for a job in telesales or knocking on doors. I went for knocking on doors (at least this way I’d be outside and keeping fit!)

 At 15 I never thought I would be sat where I am right now; at a computer in an office in Birmingham city centre writing about myself. In fact, apart from that I am wearing my own choice of casual clothing, I am pretty much the epitome of everything I swore never to become. I was going to be a rock star and/or writer and although these dreams are not yet entirely out of my grasp, they are not yet providing an income. At the uncertain yet still youthful age of 25, I have just been granted an internship at Big Cat Group, a PR, marketing and events company, that luckily for me offers a place where I can gain the experience that was so desperately sought after. It was the opportunity I had been waiting for and after an interview, a blog post and a trial shift here I am. It’s only my second week on the job but I am thoroughly enjoying the work I am doing. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first applied for the position, I envisaged three months of photocopying, making tea and fetching biscuits from the shops. So far it has exceeded my expectations and not a photocopier in sight! Its allowing me to think, create and use some of the ‘skills’ that I learned at university and although I am not getting paid I feel that it is at last giving me some direction and control in my life. Maybe I am ready for the ‘real world’, just maybe…

How Much Fun Are You As a Home-Based Business Owner

Isn’t it amazing how when something is off kilter, a series of events or circumstances arise that shines a big bright light on the situation?

The matter requiring attention is revealed one way or another whether you want it to be or not.

If you’re a coach, this may ring true more so for you. I don’t know how many times I’ve conducted a session with a client only to realize that I am in as much need of directing my attention to the very same issue they’re working on.

In recent weeks, I have allowed myself to become consumed by business activities while fitness, family and fun have taken a back seat.

Sometimes you need to burn a little extra fuel to get the rocket off the ground, but there comes a time when you have to let up on the power boosters and let the momentum you’ve created propel the ship.

If you continue to run the ship at full power, the fuel supply will quickly disappear and you may not make it to your intended destination.

Fortunately, a series of events have required that I pay attention to the imbalance I created.  First, I was asked to write an article on how to build fun and balance into a home-based business while remaining productive.

Second, I paid an impromptu visit to the library and picked up Jay Conrad Levinson’s, The Way of The Guerilla, an excellent exposé on the motivations of today’s entrepreneur and the critical importance of balance, family, health and relationships.

I had no idea what this book was about until I started reading it, however, it was exactly what I needed at the time.

Third, I had a coaching session with a client in which we focused our attention on an extensive project that will involve a large group of people and require specific structures, processes, responsibilities and a compelling vision that will be embraced by every member of the team.

Focusing on the schematics of a project is often the easy part. It’s giving our self top priority throughout the process that poses the biggest challenge.

As we wrapped up the session I stressed the importance of taking care of “self” to my client and at the same time, I realized the message applied to me as well.

As you go through your day and work your plan, keep in mind these words I shared with my client

“Your body and your mind are the vehicles that will allow you to carry out your dream. Give them top priority because without them, everything else is dust.”

I actually posted these words on my computer screen as a daily reminder to myself.  If this is what you need to do to serve as a daily reminder of the importance of taking care of yourself first, I encourage you to do the same.


Katherine encounters multiple conflicts as she unravels the mysterious and novel emotions she feels for Michael while battling her own conscience and other external sources.

Her parents, easily characterized as supportive, caring, and dutiful, believe in her choices but become wary of Katherine and Michael’s growing dependence on one another as they progressively spend more time together. Despite the fact that they are attending separate colleges, Michael has made the choice to spend the winter session teacher skiing near Katherine’s university to be closer to her. Upon hearing this, Katherine’s parents decide to accept a job offer, as a counselor at her little sister’s camp, as a tennis coach. She is not given an opportunity to decline, and therefore has no choice but to go.

The two young lovers spend the first few weeks exchanging letters on almost a daily basis, maintaining their connection through intimate correspondence. However, Katherine begins to unwillingly develop feelings for Theo, another camp counselor. The attraction between them grows and finally comes to a breaking point when Katherine kisses Theo after feeling particularly vulnerable and lonely upon hearing of her grandfather’s death.

Katherine had struggled to remain faithful the entire summer, and this was her major obstacle. Upon breaking this fidelity, she encounters a new struggle—does she remain with Michael, who is willing to be with her despite the kiss? Or does she break the bond she thought would be “forever”?

Another minor obstacle, yet prevalent as well, is Katherine’s fear of becoming pregnant. Due to her realistic nature, she decides to take the matter into her own hands and makes an appointment at Planned Parenthood, where she is deemed healthy, and goes on the Pill. At this point, she is evidently ready for a more sexual relationship with Michael, even though the two had only been intimate once.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Job has returned

I think this, what we are doing right now, is one of the most important things for believers – meditation.  We just talked about this in Genesis yesterday.  It is not good enough to simply read the story of Job, find a fun little lesson and then move on.  I don’t think it is good enough to merely say, “Because of Job’s faithfulness God gave him more than he had before” or “Bad things happen sometimes”.  Neither of those well packaged thoughts are appropriate for us to accept without further contemplation.  There’s just a little too much detail about how everything went down to accept something as easy and attractive.  Let’s look a little more into this messy story to find out stuff about us as humans and about God.

We left this story when God offered Satan Job.  God brings up Job.  Satan doesn’t come in demanding Job and God finally concedes.  Nope, God says, “Have you considered my servant Job?”  Was this a new thing for God to do?  Is He in the business of offering His children to Satan?  Well, Satan takes advantage of this and challenges God, “Does Job fear for nothing?  Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?  You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.”  Hear what Satan is saying here.  Isn’t he saying what each of us believe happens when we are faithful to God – we are blessed, protected and love?  Our Christian heritage has taught that if you trust God then you will be safe and prosperous.  We’ve almost created a business model in the midst of our religion.  If you give this much time and effort into this business called Christianity, there is a 300% rate of return.  So, if I give in offerings to God, I will get blessed (people preach this weekly and I’m not saying it is entirely false).  If I pray enough, nothing bad will happen to me.  And it forms a beautiful circle – I worship God to get things then get the things then I worship God because I got it.  If we are not careful, we begin to worship God more for the things instead of worshiping because He is worthy.

This is what Satan attacks.  He is telling God, “Of course Job serves You, You’ve given him tons of “things”.  He pretty much owes You worship because of all the blessings.  Take those away and it’s over.”  But surely God would never do that.  Satan asks for it in verse 11, “But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.”  Good try Satan.  God’s love is too great for that.  I’ve learned that since I was a child in Children’s church.  God’s desire for my life is comfort and ease.  Verse 12, “The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”  Hmmmmm.  The box I’ve wrapped God in is too small.  My beliefs are challenged by God’s words.  We find out what Satan did: he killed off Job’s livestock and servants (verse 16 is telling when one of Job’s servants tells him, “The fire of God fell from the sky and burned up the sheep and the servants”.  Fire from heaven….) and children.  The “rewards” for following God are now gone.  What’s the point for Job to continue following God?

Here’s where I have a problem with this story.  Job is the only character that we care about.  He is the star and we think about how hard it would be to lose so much; really the only thing that would have been hard to lose would have been the children and servants.  Livestock is not a huge loss but human life is.  Now, the servants were killed by fire and we learn from verse 19 that the children were killed when the house they were in fell on them.  Satan’s intent was to hurt Job because he was the “hero” in this “game” he was playing with God.  However, to God, Job’s children and servants were just as important and loved as Job.  However, God did not tell Satan any limitation on how to torture Job except to not kill Job (I find it funny that Satan didn’t kill the wife.  I guess that was part of the punishment – it’s a joke people).  With that knowledge it appears that Job was favored above the others.  These children and servants had futures bright and planned out by God.  They were not a part of this weird game.  However, they paid ultimately.  And they didn’t just drop dead – they were burned and buried under rubble.  They were not simply killed; they suffered death.  And, what did that part matter?  Job didn’t watch.  He was told.  They suffered for the simple pleasure of Satan.  How could God have approved of this?

More in the future perhaps.  Thoughts?

Arbeit in Renmark

Hallo mein Lieben und viele Grüße von den australischen Plantagen! Zu erst einmal, uns geht es gut an alle die sich Sorgen machen, nur nach einem harten 8 Stunden Pflückjob dann zeitweise nicht mehr. Selbst die Australier sagen es sei die härteste Arbeit die man hier machen kann, zu Glück ist es aber noch nicht ganz so warm, das man hier nur erst einmal mit Mücken und Fliegen zu kämpfen hat (wer weiß was dann im Sommer kommt, vielleicht noch ein krebserregender Sonnenbrand oben drauf ). Für unsere Unterkunft ist ja bekanntlich auch gesorgt, denn wir haben ja unser rollendes Schlafzimmer immer dabei. Die Nächte verbringen wir mit anderen Erntehelfern aus der ganzen Welt ( Japaner, Schweden die aussehen wie Indianer, Schotten, Engländer, Australier und ein paar ständig gackernde schwäbische Weiber ) – multikulturell eben. Nach unserem ersten Gehaltscheck waren wir überglücklich den verdienten Lohn (abzüglich 13% Lohnsteuer – das ist echt hart für die Arbeit auch noch Steuern abzudrücken) in den Händen zu halten. Olli investierte in eine neue Angel ( unverständlich für mich und völlig überflüssig wie ich finde) und ich, hmm naja ich begnügte mich mit einer Tüte leckerer Schokokekse und ein bisschen Käse. Wir waren zufrieden und sind es immer noch. Und noch etwas: Wir haben uns hochgearbeitet: Denn wir sind jetzt keine Zitronen sondern Mandarinen und Orangenpflücker, was die Sache aber nicht unbedingt leichter macht, denn die Bäume sind annähernd gleich hoch. An unserem freien Samstag haben wir noch ein Spaziergang durch die Prärie hier gemacht und sind gleich auf einen schlafenden Koala in einer Baumkrone gestoßen. Ganz verträumt und müde hat er dann hinuntergeschaut und ist gleich wieder seiner 20 stündigen Beschäftigung- dem Schlafen nachgegangen. Ich bin jetzt glücklich auch einen Koala gesehen zu haben, der ganz weich und kuschelig aussah und den ich am Liebsten gleich gedrückt hätte.Unsere Gastfamilie hat übrigens gesagt, dass die Koalas von den Eukalyptusblättern süchtig werden und deswegen den ganzen Tag verschlafen, es sei also wie eine Droge für sie. Und gestern nach der Arbeit haben auch eine Kängurumutter und ihr Junges gesehen wie sie zwischen Weintraubenfeldern lang gehoppelt sind, die wollten sich sicher ein paar gegorene Weintrauben gönnen – wie wir es manchmal Abends tun. So nun nach getaner Arbeit belohnen wir uns mit einer Dusche im Gemeinschaftsbad der multikulturellen Bande hier und bekommen auch ab und zu Besuch von einem Fröschchen oder einer Eidechse, vielleicht wollen die sich auch mal duschen. Liebe Grüße Elli und Olli

Stirile care conteaza

Azi n-am citit presa. Nu o citesc. Vad singur ca ploua, stiu ca Romania si-a luat-o in freza sambata, stiu ca au fost crime si accidente, stiu ca se discuta majorarea TVA-ului, stiu ca se fac iar disponibilizari, stiu ca in 2010 si 2011 va fi chiar mai nasol ca acum, ca avem datorii la banca mondiala, stiu ca vin alegerile si candidatii incearca sa iese in evidenta cum poate, stiu ca Gigi iar a vorbit prostii, stiu ca marile vedete isi fac hoteluri si cheltuie milioane de dolari si euro pe procese.  Azi nu vreau sa alfu detalii, nu ma intereseaza.   “Stirile care conteaza” pentru ei, s-ar putea sa nu conteze asa mult pentru mine, pentru ca, poate, daca as sti mai putin despre sistem, politica, coruptie, economie, as uri ceva mai putin tara asta, si m-as adapta fara sa comentez atat.   

Pentru mine conteaza sa stiu ca totul e bine acasa, daca si-a gasit Betu de lucru in tarile calde, sa stiu ca Andrei si Marius o duc bine la Cluj, sa o stiu pe Alina fericita, pe tatal ei sanatos, sa stiu ca Vasile si-a gasit de lucru in Suceava, sa-i stiu pe cei de-aproape fericiti, sa stiu ca eu sunt fericit, sa stiu ca pot investi in oameni, nu in produse, in relatii si nu in portofele.. Fie ce-o fi, criza, prosperitate, paine mancam cu totii, insa, o paine mai dulce nu ne face mai fericiti.  Decat o ora in fata televizorului, sau cu ziarele in brate, citind lucruri menite sa panicheze, sa te faca mai egoist, sa te trimita mai des la cumparaturi, sa manipuleze, mai bine un telefon la un prieten, sau o jumatate de ora cetuiala pe YM daca nu mai am centi.. Oamenii care conteaza fac stirile care conteaza.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Everyone knows the story of their sister’s best friend’s cousin’s roommate from college who took a new position and raised their salary from $45,000 per year to $110,000 per year with a personal driver and a company jet. The AWFUL TRUTH is, that it didn’t happen!! Typically, in your current position you should expect an annual 3% – 5% increase plus either an additional merit increase or bonus, based on your level within the organization and your previous year’s performance. Many times these merit increases or bonuses will be based on a wide range of factors, many which you will have NO control over. When changing companies, on average, we see a 7%-10% increase. If relocation is necessary, the increase may or may not take into consideration a cost of living difference. It is not Greedy to ask for and require the amount of money it takes for you to support you and your family.  However, if the money offered meets your needs, and the opportunity is going to further your career, then it is a sin for you to allow Greed to keep you from this great new job, because you heard someone, somewhere is making 10X more for the same position. The AWFUL TRUTH is, usually during salary negotiations, employers will end up paying more than they really wanted to and the candidate will accept less than their highest expectations.



©Copyright, 2009, Nicole Dukehart. All rights reserved. Used with Permission.





Brain Dead

Man, I have been brain dead lately and I don’t know what the deal is. Maybe I’m not sleeping well enough. That is usually the case when I get like this. Or maybe it’s because I’ve been working through some things in therapy. I don’t know. Either way my brain is shutting down.

It’s been a few weeks since anyone has called about a job. I went to a career “fair” last weekend, but there was no Ferris wheel. I got a “maybe” on their next round of hiring, so we’ll see what happens. It’s always a waiting game.

A friend of mine just moved back to my hometown in Nebraska and got hired right away. Also, my friend in Cincinnati had good luck starting out as “nothing,” then becoming an SQL programmer through a temp job. In Vegas, those kinds of things don’t happen.

I kind of miss Minneapolis where you could do the same thing my friend did in Cincinnati. I became a Legal Secretary through temping. The other day at an interview someone asked, “How did you become a Legal Secretary without any experience?” Because in the late 90s in Minneapolis people wanted to put me to work, that’s why. I mean, you don’t just fall out of the sky with experience. You get it on the job.

I’d move to another town, but I don’t have the money to do that. So I’m at the mercy of whatever comes along. No one wants you to show up in person or call around here either. You have to fill out their applications on-line or fax/email your resume. My wife passed my resume along to a classmate yesterday so she can send it to a friend who works in the customer service/data entry department at a large company. I’ve never had to use connections to get a job, but that is how it works here. I wish I knew more people.

If only I could work on starting my online artist community or run out and get a new drum set. I got rid of my old drum set when I left Minneapolis. Instead I have a couple of Techniques 1200 DJ turntables that I’m thinking of taking to a pawn shop. I bet they won’t give me nearly what I think they’re worth. It would be interesting to find out if it wasn’t so much work to lug them down there.

I guess we’ll be meeting with our financial advisor next week to get our next kick in the ass toward a lawyer’s office. Should be fun becoming an official deadbeat. It’s not the end of the world at all, but it’s nothing to be proud of either. Frankly, bankruptcy is probably the best thing I can do to get off the treadmill and avoid losing everything I have.

I’ll sure miss having good credit, but maybe I’ll be better off without it and learn a little discipline. The reality, though, is there are certain things you can’t do without credit. It should be thrilling to see how much more difficult life can become.

Opsagt og hva' så?

’Du må lægge fortiden bag dig!’ – kan være lettere sagt end gjort, når man pludselig bliver sagt op. For at kunne starte frisk ud på sin jobsøgning er det vigtigt, at man bruger tid på at bearbejde sin opsigelse. Det tager tid, før man i bedste fald kan acceptere opsigelsen.

Hvorfor blev jeg opsagt?

Har du modtaget en uklar forklaring på, hvorfor netop du er opsagt? Eller er du uenig i forklaringen, måske skuffet, vred, eller ked af det?

Dette vil hurtigt afsløre sig i din jobsøgning i forhold til, hvordan du italesætter dig selv og dit jobskifte. Har du stærke følelser omkring din opsigelse, kan der meget let ske et perspektivskifte, når I kommer ind på det, under jobsamtalen. Det er menneskeligt, at man kommer til at vise disse stærke følelser og henholdsvis enten tale meget om opsigelsen, eller blive mut. Begge situationer tjener ikke dit formål med samtalen – som er en målrettet dialog i forhold til det nye job.

Hvad er dine erfaringer med jobsøgning efter en opsigelse?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

You have been highly recommended

Job is the 2nd oldest book in the bible, it deals with the religious man’s biggest dilema – why do bad things happen to good people.

On reading Job God showed me that Job was “Highly Recommended” to suffer! God only puts the best candidates, the ones He REALLY trusts to go through severely hard and firery trial.

If you are going through remember it is because God trusts you, He is with you and He has HIGHLY recommended you. You will come out alright just like Job did!

Social Media and Your Job Search

A while back, I was a pretty hesitant to expand my online social network beyond Facebook. I found Linked In to be too complex and could not wrap my head around twitter. And I started to run out of passwords that I could easily remember.

But, after much ridicule from a dear friend, I did open a twitter account – and have not looked back since. I have found so many intelligent and interesting people that I follow. It’s basically my newsfeed to the world.

So now here I am, on Facebook, twitter and writing this blog – and unemployed. I started wondering how I could use my social media tools to help in my job search. A quick search and I found that (Dan Schawbel, who I follow on twitter) has already covered the topic.

His article is very in-depth and he makes some great points. Take a read if here: . I mostly agree with his points, but of course, had some comments to add.

Video Resumes: This seems to be an emerging, if not already well-established trend. I, myself, am not quite ready to post my pitch on YouTube for the entire world to see. You walk a fine line with video resumes. If your production quality or editing is terrible, it really brings down your overall value and impression. If you stutter or are in any way physically awkward, well, that stays with people.

Google Alerts: I didn’t see this in Dan’s blog. I have gone in and set up alerts for any news or updates from Google on “Vancouver Advertising Agency” and “Women in Business”. This is also a great way to stay on top of your local markets and trends.

Twitter: I totally agree that you SHOULD seek out and follow (but not stalk) the folks from the companies of which you would like to work for, but don’t forget to also follow local recruitment agencies. In Vancouver, Smart & Savvy: @smartsavvy

Facebook: I noticed Facebook is much less of a professional tool. It weighs more on the social side. I personally do not use it for business connections. Someone could tag you in an unflattering photo, or post something really offensive on your wall (unintentionally, of course). Then, once again, your image could be somewhat tarnished in the eyes of your potential employer.

Face-to-Face: I’ve been a volunteer with the National Advertising Benevolent Society since 2004-ish. And I have just joined Vancouver Internet Marketers which looks really promising. If nothing else, it will keep my mind active and get me out of the house.

Now, all of these tips and tricks are great. But nothing replaces good, old-fashioned “social networking”. In the past ten years, I only scored one job by applying online and holding my breath for an interview. The rest were all through friends of friends – or business acquaintances. Get out there. Attend events. Find speaker series. Go for after-work beers with your employed friends. That’s where I’m headed.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Back to Job (Job 35-37)

Elihu, the young talkative one, continues to blast Job, claiming that neither wickedness nor righteousness will affect God, but instead, they will only affect man. That God will not listen to the pleas of man who cry out because of the arrogance of their wickedness, much less, people like Job who claims not to have done anything wrong and expects God to answer him. In fact, over here Elihu is seen to be misquoting Job by suggesting that he said that his righteousness is greater than Lord’s and that it is no big deal to sin.

Elihu is not a part of the solution, but a very confusing part of the problem.

He then goes on to say that God does indeed punish the wicked, and prosper the righteous. If the wicked persists in sin despite being punished by God, they will perish. But if they do repent and seek and obey God, they will prosper. Once again, he is using the same theory as the others that since God prospers the good, and punishes the evil, Job must be evil since he is being punished.

Internet job ads continue to rise

( – Contract for Difference, Share, Forex, ETFs, Commodities Traders) – The number of jobs advertised on the internet has risen for the second month in a row, intensifying the expectation of an interest rate rise.The Olivier job Index rose 3.58 per cent in September following a 2.43 per cent increase in August.

The publisher of the index, recruitment firm owner Bob Olivier, says it is a great sign for the job market.

But he says the downside could be that Reserve Bank could take it as a signal to increase interest rates when it meets tomorrow.

“One of the conclusions one must reach from these encouraging job numbers is that there’s going to be increased pressure for the RBA to increase rates,” he said.

“Unemployment is one of their concerns and it looks like that’s not going to be as bad as once feared.”

Source: Internet job ads continue to rise


Se intampla in cate o dimineata, uneori chiar de octombrie, intamplator de luni, sa am chef de munca. Sa-mi vina sa ma apuc de la prima ora de treaba si eventual la sfarsitul zilei sa fiu chiar multumit de ce am prestat. Doar ca atunci cand ma uit pe agenda vad ca sunt aceleasi lucruri pe care le-am facut si saptamana trecuta, luna trecuta: tot rapoarte, tot exceluri, tot .ppt-uri, chestii, trestii. Si brusc se duce pe apa sambetei toata pofta mea de munca si entuziasmul tovarasesc. Rutina ma plictiseste si ma apasa. Si-mi vin tot felul de idei. Cum ar fi daca maine mi-as da demisia? As putea sa ma apuc de altceva, adica de ceva complet diferit? As supravietui cateva luni daca ar fi cazul sa stau pe bara somer? Na, cica e criza, cat de mult dureaza sa gasesti un loc de munca? Chestii, socoteli…

La mine, nu stiu cum se face, rutina unui job devina agasanta cam dupa 4 ani de stat in acelasi loc. Deci joburile ar trebui schimbate la fel ca masinile. Degeaba apar avansari sau vagi diversificari, ideea e ca dupa 4 ani intr-un loc mi se face lehamite. Si incep sa ma gandesc “Cum ar fi sa…” si sa deschid mai des subiecte legate de serviciu cu amicii, sa-i intreb cu ce se mananca slujba lor si alte chestii de-astea. Sau, eventual, sa scriu pe blog pe tema asta. Cred ca dragostea pentru un job dureaza 4 ani. Ce chestie!

Friday, October 2, 2009

1st Job Aran Skill Build

By level 30:

  • 10 in Combo Ability (Maxed)
  • 20 in Double Swing (Maxed)
  • 15 in Combat Step (Maxed)
  • 16 in Pole Arm Booster

LV10: 1 in Double Swing (1)
LV11: 3 in Double Swing (4)
LV12: 3 in Double Swing (7)
LV13: 3 in Double Swing (10)
LV14: 2 in Combo Ability (2), 1 in Combat Step (1)
LV15: 3 in Combo Ability (5)
LV16: 3 in Combo Ability (8)
LV17: 2 in Combo Ability (Maxed), 1 in Combat Step (2)
LV18: Save 3 SP (3)
LV19: Save 3 SP (6)
LV20: Save 3 SP (9)
LV21: Save 3 SP (12)
LV22: 15 in Pole Arm Booster (15)
LV23: 3 in Double Swing (13)
LV24: 3 in Double Swing (16)
LV25: 3 in Double Swing (19)
LV26: 1 in Double Swing (Maxed), 2 in Combat Step (4)
LV27: 3 in Combat Step (7)
LV28: 3 in Combat Step (10)
LV29: 3 in Combat Step (13)
LV30: 2 in Combat Step (Maxed), 1 in Pole Arm Booster (16)

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2009 une mauvaise année pour les sociétés d'INterim

L’INterim est aussi un bon baromètre de la santé d’une économie, effet il donne des indications sur la dynamique de croissance des entreprises et donc de la bonne santé du marché de l’emploi. En situation de croissance, l’Interim est une solution très attrayante tant pour l’entreprise que pour une certaine franche des demandeurs d’emploi car il permet à l’entreprise d’avoir rapidement des ressources qualifiées et à ces ressources de pouvoir avec flexibilité trouver un emploi qui leur convient en fonction de leur propres critères.
Depuis Janvier 2009, ce marché c’est écroulé de plus de 30%, obligeant même ces sociétés d’Interim de se séparer de leur propre personnel.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Young punk speaks (Job 32-34)

Elihu, a young man, seeing that the other 3 friends have decided to keep quiet and given up because Job is convinced he is “righteous in his own eyes”, could take it no longer and decided to speak (and speak and speak). He does all this not really to give Job advice, but more for his own benefit – “he is like bottled-up wine and ready to burst, and must speak and find relief”.

Elihu continues to tell Job that he is wrong to speak against God, that he is resisting God when he is defending himself. In a way, he feels that Job’s problem (and the reason why he is suffering now) is that he is complaining too much, and that he should just confess and move on.

He also twists Job’s words in several instances – claiming that Job hangs out with wicked people when he pointed out that wicked people do prosper, and that he said “it profits  a man nothing when he tries to please God” although Job has said no such thing.And in the rest of the chapter, he gave the same advice as all the other 3 friends – that Job should just confess and move on.

Lesson to be learnt = make sure our motivations are correct when we are counseling someone – that it is not for selfish reasons (e.g. trying to vent what is stored inside you) – but instead to help the person come closer to God.

Tone Down the Hyperbole. A Lot.

Yesterday around 3:00 I received some edits back from an article I wrote about an exciting new drilling rig made especially for the North Slope. It drills with coiled tubing! It fits on a very small drill pad! It runs on alternating current instead of hydraulics! See, this is why I decided to write about the oil and gas industry. When I was in college, I tossed my Vogue and my W magazines aside and I said, “Screw fashion. I want to write about drilling rigs.”

And here I am. Accomplisher of goals. Realizer of dreams. Taryn. Maxwell. Peine.

The thing about writing for a living is your worth is subjective. There is no obvious right or wrong answer. You can’t balance a budget to show how good you are. You can’t solve an equation. You can’t increase sales by 25 percent. You just do your best and hurl it out there, then pull out your umbrella and wait for it to be chewed up and spit back at you and hope the crap storm doesn’t mess up your hair.

On top of being a writer, I’m also naturally dramatic. And do you know what there’s no room for in oil and gas writing?


Unless it’s coming from the person editing me.

Exhibit A

This is the moment I should have switched majors. This should have been my “A-ha!” moment. In college, I was in a class called “Feature Articles.” I had written a feature article about an old drive-up near OU’s campus. I thought it was a pretty awesome article. I sat through four whole tapes with the ancient owner of the place just to get 30 minutes of him actually talking about the drive-up. My article was returned to me one sunny day with this scrawled across the top: “Your writing is  DEPRESSING me!”

Exhibit B

My first oil and gas writing job. An article about volumetric production payments. A call from my boss to come down to her office. She hands me the article, filled with bright red slashes and strike-throughs, peers at me very seriously and says, “Do you NOT want to work here?”

Exhibit C

The article I spoke of previously, about the drilling rig on the North Slope in Alaska. After five years of this, I know better than to insert any creativity anywhere in any article I’m writing, but I took a chance with this one. I decided to describe the drilling conditions in Alaska as “treacherous.” Because aren’t they? I got back the edits yesterday. In six pages of article, I’d used one creative word only. Just one. And like a prized 12-point buck, my word was hunted down, isolated, and killed with this friendly suggestion, “We need to tone down the hyperbole. A lot.”

And you know what that made me realize? Nowhere, in no time in my life has anyone ever asked me to tone UP the hyperbole.

That would be my dream job.

Pech hat er...

…der innere Schweinehund, als ich heute morgen unsanft durch meinen Wecker geweckt wurde, hat es in Strömen gegossen und vor sich hin gestürmt und so sah es kurz nach 9:00 Uhr aus. Also nichts von wegen, öh das Werbeblatt kannst Du auch ganz auf Freitag verschieben, Wetter taugt nichts. Wetter ist nämlich nett und mein kleiner Drahtesel ist schon ganz nervös, weil er los will sieht so aus, als wenn ich heute gewinne… Jep und dann hab ich auch noch ein bisschen an den Blogfarben rumgespielt mhh das andere blau ging mir so auf die Augen.. erwischt hat sie mich unser Sabinchen mhh mein Stiefschwiegertöchterchen ist ja bei und ich bin doch immer so neugierig, was andere Anbieter angeht und schnüffel da gerade mal rum, nee keine Panik es wird keine Linkänderung geben ich bleib wo ich bin… mhh obwohl ich schon finde das  schönere Designs anbietet, naja und was mir an Overblog schon gefiel, Communities meine Blogrunde verschieb ich auf heute Abend, jetzt muss ich durch mein Hüttchen, ich wünsche allen einen schönen Tag…