Here’s a great post I ran across recently. Research indicates that 55% of Americans are dissatisfied with their jobs. This isn’t really surprising given all the bad-boss jokes and TV shows and movies dealing with bad or unsatisfying jobs.
The author offers up two options for what to do about a job you hate. First, you can find another job. Often, this is easier said than done, but life is just too short to spend eight hours a day and 40 (or more) hours a week doing something that you hate.
The other option is to do something with your other hours of your day that brings you satisfaction. If you don’t completely hate your day job, you can think of it as something that enables you to the things you really want to. While I enjoy my job, I’d rather be playing: I work so I can play.
It’s tragic to spend so much time doing something we hate so much. And usually, the dissatisfaction of a job comes home with us and affects our personal lives, too. Sometimes how you feel about a job is just a matter of a change in attitude, but sometimes it requires more disruptive action.
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