Monday, March 8, 2010

Born To Do

This week on The Job Search Boot Camp Show we had special guest Laurel Donnellan, the President of ThreeGiantLeaps and Author of the new book “Born To Do:  The Practical Guide To Loving Your Work”.  You can hear the replay here,  or listen to it on iTunes here. 

On our show, Laurel discussed how she brought together her training in ancient wisdom and positive psychology to help those in career search.  She says that she appreciates the need to earn a living by working, but says you need to do “the soul search before the job search” and by connecting to your “meaning” your life becomes much more interesting.

Searching Yourself

Our society defines people by their work.  The 2nd question most people ask – right after “what is your name?” – is “what do you do?“  The ‘test’ to see if you are in the right line of work is to think about the answer to that question.  The answer to “what do you do?” should elicit passion or excitement (or both!).   Most careeer books and Career Coaches usually don’t jump into the mechanics of the resume or job search.  Generally, they start with the inner work (or what Laurel calls “soul search”) to identify your values, dreams, and passions.  Through a short assessment and some short exercises, you can do the “soul searching” or the “inner work” to identify those traits that when you use them you lose track of time, or the tasks that put a smile on your face, or dream you had when you were a child of the career you would have. 


Many miserable employees remain miserable because they get paralyzed by fear.  Courage comes easy for some, and harder for others.  On our show, Laurel mentions those things that may be holding us back – what she calls “Limiting Beliefs”.  She says the way to gain courage and overcome the fear of changing careers is to identify patterns that hold us back. 

For example, no matter what our age – whether they are 24 or 74 – most of us have a limiting belief that it is too late to change our trajectory.  We believe they are too old.  Instead of saying “I’m too old to change careers”, Laurel instructs us to replace that belief with the saying – “I am open to the possibilities of a new career.”  

Doing the inner-work will not only help you in your outter-work.  It will help you in every aspect of your life.


Jay Markunas knows what he was Born To Do.  He was born to help people find work they love.  He does this as the co-host of The Job Search Boot Camp Show.  He’s also is a Founding Partner of which helps the fearful and the fearless find work they love.


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