Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 1 (Again!)

Today was my first day on the job, working for a non-profit organization that strives to provide the elderly proper health coverage and representation throughout the US government.  I got home about 30 minutes ago and am still riding high from the rush of having a new, full-time job!  And let me tell you about the immediate neighborhood because the area is suh-weeeeeeeet! Potbellies (think high quality subs + low prices, something Quiznos wishes it could do), a fully-stocked wine and liquor store and large deli across the street; a Staples next door; Borders book store one block away – and those are just the places that immediately caught my eye because of my high interest levels in all of them!  I didn’t bother exploring the area during my 2pm lunch break because of this blisteringly cold weather, but I did speed-walk straight to that Potbellies I mentioned before.  And I did what I wanted to do last week: order their PB&J sammich!  Ehh, sub, rather, but still!  It was also the first time I’ve had PB&J together on toasted bread.

Oh. My. GAWD.  The first bite into this sub was a ticket to board the nostalgia train, 12-years-old-bound on the express track.  The second bite, some jelly squeezed out of not one but two sides of the sub, getting on my fingers and plopping onto the wrapping it came in, boarding the train in the process.  The third bite, this time from the other side so I could catch the excess jelly this time, and a blob of mixed PB&J jumped out from the side I previously bit into and fell to the wrapper on the table below, the purple and peanut-buttery textures mixing into a swirly blur of holy matrimony.  At the same time, one of my forefingers slid across a part of the top of the sub; apparently, a smear of jelly got on top when wrapped.  WHOO-WHOOOOOOO!! That train pulls out, full-steam ahead!  I didn’t even care that some of my fingers were covered by jelly and spots of peanut butter got on various parts of my hands; that large drops of PB&J were landing on my wrapper with each bite, regardless of where I was biting into (I frequently turned the sub every which way to best determine my next point of attack); that I was wearing a suit and tie, risking their getting dirtied up.  Face it, about five minutes into eating that sub I reverted to a 12-year-old boy again, with nary a care in the world!

After lunch, I went back to what I might as well start calling my daily grind, except that I’m actually enjoying the work I’m doing – because it’s actually challenging!  I’m going to see if I can have my hours extended by one so I can have an 8am-5pm workday.  I’m seriously stoked that I landed this gig.  Will my tune change over the next couple of months?  It’s always possible, but for now, I’m riding this wave of success and full-time employment, living by the day!


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