Monday, September 21, 2009


I’m having a harder and harder time coping with my job situation.  I think Dad is right…this is not what life after college is supposed to be like.  Granted, things are rough in the U.S. right now, but I can’t even make ends meet.  As I stated in my last entry, I’m thankful to have a job at all, but this is much more difficult than I let on.  I’m going to forward my resume to the lady at church tomorrow and see where it takes me, if anywhere at all.  It’s worth trying, right?  I love the majority of the people I work with, and I love what I do as far as working with guests, but I’m really struggling each time my paycheck comes and my bills aren’t getting paid.  I hestitated for quite some time in looking at other jobs; I’m not one to let others down if I can help it.  The bigger part of me is a servant by nature, and I don’t want to make false promises when I apply to jobs.  When I interviewed for this one, I said I wanted a company I could grow with, and I could easily see myself growing with this one.  All of it was true – at the time.  I still want to grow with a company, yes, but I can’t grow with this one any longer if they don’t meet my needs.  I need more than $10 an hour for starters.  My differential pay is only a 75-cent difference from working day shift.  With the toll thirds are taking on my body and health, that hardly seems worth it.  I’m not even cutting $600 in a two-week period, and I’m getting phone calls and threatening emails and letters from creditors because I’m not making my minimum payments.  That’s got to stop, and something’s got to give.  As my boyfriend said when I told him I don’t want to let my coworkers down, “Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you.”  Maybe so, and therefore I’m keeping my options open.

It’s even tougher to go to work now because my favorite coworker just put in her two-week notice and will be done here on the last day of September.  She was my sanity on this shift.  My other coworker is neurosis on a stick.  I’m not sure what else to say about him, other than to hint that he’s not my favorite person by any means.  He makes me so angry and so disgusted at the same time… He’s this unhappy, cynical, life-hating, sex-starved (he told me so himself…inappropriate much?), middle-aged man who likes to make life miserable for everyone around him, including guests and coworkers.  I should probably leave this place before he makes me a bitter human being like himself.

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