Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lowongan cpns Polri Tahun 2009




No. Pol. : Peng/ 05 / IX /2008



(CPNS) POLRI T.A. 2008

1. Rujukan :

a. Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor :

Kep/302/M.PAN/9/2008 tanggal 9 September 2008 tentang Penetapan Formasi

CPNS Polri T.A. 2008.

b. Surat Keputusan Kapolri No. Pol. : Skep/402/IX/2008 tanggal 23 September 2008

tentang Pengadaan CPNS Polri, Kuota dan Rencana Penempatan T.A. 2008.

2. Sehubungan dengan rujukan tersebut di atas, Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia

memberi kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Republik Indonesia yang memenuhi

persyaratan untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Polri T.A. 2008,

sebagai berikut :


1. Warga Negara Indonesia.

2. Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun, dan setinggi-tingginya 35 (tiga

puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2008.

3. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang

sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana


4. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan

hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil atau diberhentikan tidak hormat sebagai swasta.

5. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon/Pegawai Negeri.

6. Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian dan ketrampilan yang diperlukan.

7. Berkelakuan baik yang diwujudkan dalam SKCK dari Polres setempat.

8. Sehat jasmani dan rohani

9. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia atau

Negara lain yang ditentukan oleh Pemerintah.

10. Bersedia menunaikan baktinya minimal selama 5 (tahun) terhitung sejak diangkat

menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Polri.

11. Bersedia mengembalikan biaya yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Negara, apabila

mengundurkan diri sebelum masa baktinya minimal berakhir.


Pendaftaran dilaksanakan melalui pos dengan alamat pada sampul surat :


Gedung TNCC Lantai 10, Jl. Trunojoyo No. 3 Kebayoran Baru

Jakarta Selatan, Kode Pos : 12110

/ Persyaratan . . . . .


Persyaratan administrasi pelamaran :

1. Yang dilampirkan pada saat melamar via Kantor Pos/Titipan Kilat yang pada

Amplop/Sampul Surat dibubuhi stempel.

_          Surat lamaran bermaterai Rp. 6.000,- ditujukan kepada KAPOLRI U.p. De SDM

Kapolri (ditulis tangan dengan huruf balok dan tinta hitam).

Pas foto hitam putih ukuran 2 x 3 cm = 2 lembar, 3 x 4 cm = 2 lembar dan ditulis

nama dibelakangnya (tidak memakai tutup kepala, kacamata, jaket, rompi, kaos

oblong, bando).

_          Fotokopi STTB/Ijazah Dikum terakhir yang digunakan untuk melamar serta

disahkan oleh :

1) Ijazah Pendidikan Tinggi :

a) Yang dikeluarkan oleh Universitas dan Institut, dilegalisir oleh Rektor

atau Dekan.

b) Yang dikeluarkan oleh sekolah Tinggi, dilegalisir oleh Ketua atau

Pembantu Ketua I Bidang Akademik.

c) Yang dikeluarkan Politeknik dan atau Akademi, dilegalisir oleh

Direktur atau Pembantu Direktur I Bidang Akademik.

2) STTB SLTA oleh Kepala Sekolah.

_          Daftar Riwayat Hidup Singkat.

Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani dari Institusi Kesehatan

Resmi (Puskesmas atau Rumah Sakit Pemerintah, ditanda tangani, diregister

dan di stempel), dilampirkan pada saat mendaftar melalui pos.

_          Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Polres setempat

yang terbaru dan disahkan oleh Pejabat yang berwenang.

_          Fotokopi Akte Kelahiran/Surat Kenal lahir yang disahkan oleh Pejabat yang


_          Fotokopi Tanda Pencari Kerja (Kartu kuning) dari Depnakertrans dan disahkan

oleh Pejabat yang berwenang.

_          Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) dan Kartu Keluarga (KK) disahkan oleh

Lurah/Kepala Desa.

_          Fotokopi sertifikat (keahlian/ketrampilan/kursus) yang dimiliki dan disahkan oleh

Pejabat yang berwenang.

_          Semua persyaratan tersebut di atas masing-masing rangkap 1 (satu).

_          Asli persyaratan point 1.a s/d 1.j tersebut di atas, diserahkan kepada Panitia

bagi peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi penerimaan CPNS Polri T.A 2008.

2. Yang dilaksanakan dan diserahkan setelah Pengumuman Hasil Ujian

Tertulis dan Uji Kompetensi meliputi :

a. Hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan yang dilaksanakan pada Institusi Kesehatan

Resmi di luar Polri meliputi : Jantung, Paru-paru, tidak buta warna, bebas

narkoba, tidak dalam keadaan hamil dan tidak terdapat kelainan/cacat pisik yang

dapat menggangu pekerjaannya, dilaksanakan dan diserahkan setelah

dinyatakan Lulus Ujian Tertulis (TKD) dan Uji Kompetensi Bidang secara

Aplikasi (TKB).

b. Pemeriksaan keabsahan Asli Ijazah/STTB (SD s/d Dikum terakhir).

/ 3. Yang . . . . .


3. Yang dilaksanakan dan diserahkan setelah dinyatakan lulus seleksi ujian CPNS

Polri T.A. 2008, meliputi :

a. Daftar Riwayat Hidup (DRH) lengkap menggunakan blanko standar BKN.

b. Surat Pernyataan isi 5 point.

c. Surat Pernyataan isi 3 point.

d. Fotokopi Surat Keputusan (Skep) pengalaman bekerja bagi yang sudah pernah

bekerja dan disahkan oleh Pejabat yang berwenang.

e. Asli persyaratan administrasi yang dikirim pada saat melamar via pos.

Ketentuan lain :

1. Berkas surat lamaran dibuat 1 (satu) set/bendel dan dimasukan ke dalam stof map

serta diberi Nama, Kualifikasi Pendidikan, Jurusan, Kode Pendidikan, dan Jabatan

yang dilamar.

2. Stof map yang digunakan :

a. Warna kuning untuk Dik S-1/Spesialis.

b. Warna biru untuk Dik D-3.

c. Warna merah untuk Dik SLTA/Sederajat.

3. Stempel Pos paling lambat tertanggal 22 Oktober 2008, berkas paling lambat diterima

oleh Panitia pada tanggal 24 Oktober 2008.

4. Panitia tidak melayani/menerima berkas lamaran secara langsung dari pelamar yang

bersangkutan, tetapi harus harus dikirim melalui Kantor Pos/Titipan Kilat yang

pada Amplop/Sampul Surat dibubuhi stempel.

5. Berkas lamaran yang telah dikirim ke Sekretariat Panitia Pusat Pengadaan CPNS

Polri T.A. 2008 tidak dikembalikan.


Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi syarat, mendapat Nomor Peserta Seleksi Pengadaan

CPNS Polri T.A. 2008, yang akan diberitahukan melalui :

1. Internet / Website :

2. Dapat dilihat di Biro Personel Polda setempat melalui Surat Telegram Kapolri yang

ditujukan kepada Para Kapolda se-Indonesia dan Kasatker Mabes Polri.

Tahapan Seleksi :

1. Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) / Ujian Tertulis, meliputi :

a) Tes Pengetahuan Umum (TPU).

b) Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS).

c) Tes Substansi Kepolisian (TSK).

2. Tes Kompetensi Bidang / Uji Kompetensi Bidang secara aplikatif sesuai kualifikasi

pendidikan yang dimiliki dan jabatan yang dilamar.

3. Penyerahan hasil Rikkes dari Institusi Kesehatan Resmi milik Pemerintah di luar Polri

meliputi : Foto/film Hasil Rontgen Paru-Paru, Lab. Darah Lengkap, Hasil Rekam

Jantung, Tidak Buta Warna, Tidak dalam keadaan hamil, Tidak memiliki

Kelainan/Cacat fisik yang dapat mengganggu pekerjaannya dan Surat Keterangan

Bebas Narkoba.

4. Pemeriksaan keabsahan Asli Ijazah/STTB SD s/d Dikum terakhir sesuai

kualifikasi pendidikan yang digunakan untuk melamar.

/ Waktu . . . . .


Waktu / Jadwal pelaksanaan seleksi :



1 2 3 4

1. 25 Sept s/d

9 Okt 2008

Pemberitahuan ke Satker/Satwil melalui TR

Warning Order, media cetak nasional untuk

diumumkan kepada masyarakat umum ttg

Pengadaan CPNS Polri T.A. 2008 / menggunakan

spanduk secara singkat, dan secara rinci melalui

internet dengan website :


2. 10 s/d 17 Okt


Pembuatan/Penyusunan Materi Ujian Tertulis. Panpus

3. 15 s/d 22 Okt


Pendaftaran peserta seleksi Pengadaan CPNS

Polri sumber pelamar umum T.A. 2008 melalui

Kantor Pos dan ditutup tanggal 22 Oktober 2008

(stempel pos) dan berkas paling lambat tanggal

27 Oktober 2008 diterima oleh Panitia.


4. 22 s/d 28 Okt


Rikmin Tahap Awal dan pemberian Nomor Peserta

bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan.


5. 29 Okt 2008 Pengumuman hasil rikmin tahap awal bagi peserta

yang memenuhi persyarat admnya dberikan Nomor

peserta dan diumumkan melalui internet dan TR

Kapolri di lingkungan Satker Mabes Polri/Polda.


29-31 Okt 2008 Persiapan Ujian Tertulis (TKD) dan Uji Kompetensi

Bidang (TKB) secara aplikasi, sesuai Kualifikasi

Pendidikan dan Jabatan yang dilamar, meliputi :

Cetak Soal Ujian, Pengepakan, dan Penyiapan

tempat ujian.


6. 1 & 2 Nov 2008 Penyerahan/Pengambilan Nomor Asli Peserta, di

Lapangan Bhayangkara Mabes Polri.


7. 3 Nov 2008 Ujian Tertulis (TKD) : TPU, TBS & TSK, di Jakarta. Panpus

8. 4-6 Nov 2008 Pengolahan hasil Ujian Tertulis (TKD) : TPU, TBS

& TSK.


9. 7 Nov 2008 Pengumuman hasil Ujian Tertulis (TKD) : TPU,



10. 10 &11 Nov 08 Uji Kompetensi Bidang (TKB) secara aplikasi,

sesuai Kualifikasi Pendidikan dan Jabatan yang

dilamar, di Jakarta.


11. 12 &13 Nov 08 Pengolahan hasil uji Kompetensi Bidang (TKB). Panpus

12. 14 Nov 2008 Pengumuman hasil uji Kompetensi Bidang (TKB). Panpus

13. 17&18 Nov 08 Melaksanakan Rikkes pada institusi kesehatan

resmi diluar Polri bagi peserta yang dinyatakan

lulus ujian tertulis dan uji kompetensi ( -/+ 700



/ 14. 18 & 19 Nov . . . . .


1 2 3 4

18 & 19 Nov 08 Penyerahan hasil Rikkes kepada Tim Kesehatan


14. Panpus

18 & 19 Nov 08 Penyerahan Asli Ijazah/STTB SD s/d Dikum

terakhir kepada Panpus.


19 – 21 Nov 08 Penilaian Hasil Rikes oleh Tim Kesehatan Polri dan

hasilnya diserahkan kepada Panpus pada tanggal

22 November 2008.

15. Panpus

19 – 21 Nov 08 Pemeriksaan keabsahan asli Ijazah/STTB oleh

Puslabfor Bareskrim Polri, Pusident Bareskrim

Polri, dan Depdiknas. Hasll pemeriksaan langsung

diserahkan kepada Panpus.


16. 22 – 23 Nov 08 Pengolahan Penilaian hasil Rikes dan hasil

Pemeriksaan keabsahan asli Ijazah/STTB.


17. 24 Nov 2008 Pengumuman kelulusan CPNS Polri T.A. 2008 dari

sumber pelamar umum dan Pemberkasan.


18. 25 Nov 2008 Pengumpulan/penyerahan berkas asli Administrasi

dalam rangka pemberkasan CPNS Polri T.A. 2008

dan bimbingan penyempurnaan pelamaran

(pengisian : DRH Standar BKN, Super-5 point, dan

Super-3 point.


19. 25 – 30 Nov 08 Pemberkasan F-1, usul penetapan NIP dan

penyerahan berkas ke BKN.


20. 1 – 6 Des 2008 Kerja satu atap dengan Tim BKN dalam rangka

Penetapan NIP, Pembuatan : 1) Ren Skep

Pengangkatan dan Penempatan Pertama CPNS

Polri sumber pelamar umum Formasi T.A. 2008,

2) Ren TR, Petikan SKEP, dan Pengantar/

Penghadapan CPNS Polri hasil seleksi Formasi

T.A. 2008.sumber pelamar umum.




V. Demikian untuk menjadi maklum.

Download Info selengkapnya

Download Lampiran

My Qualification and experience was perfect match, but I was not selected. Why?

My Qualification and experience was perfect match, but I was not selected. Why?

Let’s find out the solution to this problem and ways to handle this situation.

Last week I attended an interview at Yahoo India for a position of Marketing Manager; the requirement was very well matching in every sense with my experience and qualification.

The interview started in same old fashioned way; she was carrying hard copy of my resume and discussion started with basic question: Tell me something about yourself?

I started briefing her about my personal background, education qualification and then jumped on work experience; describing about roles and responsibilities of recent organization…. It was going well as I thought of…but was interrupted in middle and discussion went on to some other topic of my work experience i.e. on to my event management experience, which was not really relevant to the job requirement.

The discussion went for about 20 minutes, and it was concluded in this way; we are looking for some more experienced person and your experience doesn’t match with requirement, we will get in touch with for any other opportunity matching to your experience. Thank you for your time.

And I lost an opportunity; I was out of discussion room and started thinking what went wrong during the discussion. I felt that the interview was going good till the time I was not interrupted and started discussing something irrelevant i.e. my event management experience. She was asking more details about my events and related activities and the more we were discussing about it, we were moving far from the core requirement. She was hardly giving look to my resume as she was busy listening to me.

The basic problems I gazed out were;

  • She didn’t scan my whole resume during the discussion
  • I said something irrelevant while answering to a question and that led to distraction of thoughts.
  • I couldn’t manage to bring her back to my resume and discussion on core experience which was required for that job.

Here’s the Solution I found out to overcome this problem;

  • The resume contains lots of information, which might look as irrelevant to look or refer during the discussion by the interviewer.
  • A Document can be prepared with JD details on one side and other side corresponding work experience.
  • This document can be attached with resume and one copy can be kept for self reference, this will act as pointer to discussion all the key details and can control the flow of interview.

This is how the document will look like;

I have started using this document and it is really helping me a lot and interview flows in the way as I want.

Do you have any such ideas which can be of help to all the job seekers, please share your thoughts and ideas and help in reducing the unemployment from the country to some extent?

Licensed Practical Nurse Job at LHC Group - Raceland, LA

Licensed Practical Nurse
Salary: Per Visit
Job Description:
* Performs skilled nursing services under the supervision of a staff RN.
* Observes, records and reports to the supervisor on the general physical and mental conditions of the patient; reports pertinent changes.
* Administers prescribed medications and treatments.
* Assists the physician and/or staff RN in performing specialized procedures.
* Assists the patient with ADLs.
* Responsible for reports, record keeping and progress notes.
* Receives and follows physician orders within realm of practice for an LPN and within the standards of home health practice, but may not alter the plan of care.
* Participates in nursing report.
* Participates in QA/QI plan and process.
* Is responsible for adhering to all practice standards as they apply to patient care.
Job Requirements:
* Current LPN license in state of employment.
* One (1) year of experience working as an LPN.
* Current driver’s license and vehicle insurance in state of employment, and the ability to travel within a 50 mile radius on a daily basis.
* Is responsible for adhering to all practice standards as they apply to patient care.
Ochsner Home Health of Raceland
Raceland , LA
Licensed Practical Nurse Job at LHC Group – Raceland, LA

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Have An Announcement...

Ladies & Gentlemen…

After 10 months of what can only be described as a living hell — wondering what is wrong with me, where did I go wrong in my career and my life, do I have a personality flaw, why am I being rejected on all sides — yet persevering and praying; having friends, family, blogger buddies, and strangers give to me and my daughter out of the generosity of their precious hearts; coming to a place of personal growth as I grew in compassion toward the down & out, growing stronger in faith as I became more dependent on God; watching and waiting; journaling my ups and downs here on my blog and on Twitter & Facebook…

The search is over.

And here’s the BEST part…

I got a job at a place I have wanted to work since they broke ground there.

It is only 2 miles from my house going against the flow of rush hour!!!  That’s right folks, NO MORE Tweets that say “I-24=parking lot” from me!!!

Plus, there is room for growth and advancement.

I will be back in a setting that gives me opportunity to show compassion where it’s needed most:  patients who are sick and down…and families who need a smile or someone to give them a listening ear and assistance.

Starting out, to get my foot in the door, I will not be working a full 40-hours per week.  It’s ok, though…sometimes, you have to pay some dues to get to where you wanna be. I’ve done it before (hello, music business), and I can do it again.

That being said, anybody who needs some freelance writing, editing, typing, proofreading, session singing (I read numbers!), yard mowed, painting, or for Jan & I to come and do some cool wall treatments and design in your home, give me a shout!

Words are not sufficient to express my gratitude for how you wonderful people have hung in there with me throughout this treacherous journey.  With all of the bad we see reported on in this world, the human kindness that me and my daughter have had bestowed upon us through this time has been nothing short of life-sustaining.

For that, I want to say…

Thank you.  I love you.


Your Top Job Choice - 8 Steps To It

Many of us have a dream job in mind. But too often we accept jobs that aren’t up to our potential. We stick to jobs that offer stability, or convenience or some other solution. While it seems a simple task to make a resume and send it out to a list of prospective employers, that process is sometimes problematic.

validity and value of the sort you prefer; also use regional and local newspapers, library directories, State and County employment offices, and other job post sources to find companies that offer the sort of employment you seek. Include all matching employers, even if it seems a simple task to make a direct contact. The reference sheet could also include questions relating to job titles, basic job duties, general employment dates, and more revealing open ended inquiries like: how well you did on your job?, how you treated others?, your strengths and weaknesses?, technical or administrative skills, and maybe a short area for final comments.

Make it clear you hope to set up job interviews. Create a comprehensive list, put your favorite employers first. Research each key employer choice. Information gathered on preferred employer firms will help you later at a given company to get the job in mind. But too often we accept jobs that offer stability, or convenience or some other solution. While it seems a simple task to make a resume to more than one individual at a large organization. Follow up those resume sends with a complimentary tone.

Collect them now, so you have determined your labor-of-choice, compare that to your goals.Now it’s time to interview you. That message also gives you a forum to briefly tout the advantages of having you as an employee, and your continued interest in employment with their firm, and what you’d like to see happen as the next step of the search process till the first job interview calls arrive. So, focus and planning become key elements of a job search, strive to network with people you may know from a club, church, association or other family member, people you know from a club, church, association or other organization.

Don’t impose on relationships, but consider your logical, reasonable choices.Next, it’s time to begin to set up job interviews. Create a simple, clearly defined cover letter for your new, highly defined resume(s) and written references. Use that list to start generating interest from select employers that move you towards your dream job in question. See things from the employer’s perspective — what qualities do they seek for the position? What skills do they require? What issues are they seeking to resolve in the job? Your resume should illustrate an answer to important interview questions unless you have those skills? The answer requires some self-evaluation.

List and review an earnest inventory of your dream job goals. Make a list of prospective employers, that process is sometimes problematic. For some of us, there is some fumbling and adjustment of the resume distribution, the follow up communications – a thank you. Like the resume distribution, the follow up communications – a thank you. Like the resume content in a way that seems to satisfy the issues a prospective employer may address relative to the company and intention to pursue employment with them, and the job you seek.

Include all matching employers, even if it seems a simple task to make a resume and send it out to draw attention to your skills and talents. Create a comprehensive list, put your favorite employers first. Research each key employer choice. Information gathered on preferred employer firms will help you find preferred career employment, and not just another job.First of all, you must define your objective: Once you’ve determined your goals, write an effective resume which addresses key aspects of the reference, if they choose to make a direct contact.

The reference sheet could also include questions relating to job titles, basic job duties, general employment dates, and more revealing open ended inquiries like: how well you did on your job?, how you treated others?, your strengths and weaknesses?, technical or administrative skills, and maybe a short area for final comments. Make it one sheet. One side. Keep things simple. When an individual agrees to use your reference form, instead of company letterhead, you focus them on topics important to your goals.

Now it’s time to interview you. That message also gives you a forum to briefly tout the advantages of having you as an employee, and your continued interest in employment with their firm, and what you’d like to see happen as the next step of the job/industry reflected in your work. Challenge yourself to do your best. Your efforts will be expressed the first day you start work at your dream job in question. See things from the employer’s perspective — what qualities do they require? What issues are they seeking to resolve in the job? Your resume should illustrate an answer to those questions and the answers.

Be thorough. Write out your answers. Writing helps focus ideas. Practice your answers to them. Don’t convince yourself you can do within that work environment, what you can do a great interview without performing the tasks suggested above. Don’t leave to chance the outcome of your resume content where you are going to say at the interview a follow up message could be delivered by fax, email, a thank you. Like the resume content in a way that seems to satisfy the issues a prospective employer may address relative to the interviewer(s) your thanks for taking time to begin to set up job interviews.

Create a comprehensive list, put your favorite employers first. Research each key employer choice. Information gathered on preferred employer firms will help you reach out to draw attention to your list of prospective employers. Use internet search engines and job post sources to find companies that offer the sort you prefer; also use regional and local newspapers, library directories, State and County employment offices, and other job post web sites to identify the date, names of the reference, if they choose to make a direct contact.

The reference sheet could also include questions relating to titles, basic duties, general employment dates, and more revealing open ended inquiries like: how well you did on your ?, how you treated others?, your strengths and weaknesses?, technical or administrative skills, and maybe a teacher or neighbor, a cousin or other organization. Don’t impose on relationships, but consider your logical, reasonable choices.Next, it’s time to create a distribution list for your resume. Distribute those two documents to your goals.

Now it’s time to interview you.

Job hunting while pregnant

For Immediate ReleaseJob hunting while pregnantMarysville, WA October 3, 2003-” Whether to interview for jobs while pregnant is a difficult decision for many women. If you’re showing, you wonder if you can overcome the drawback of an employer knowing that you’ll take a leave shortly after starting the job.

up with all the running around often necessary in the hiring decision by the fact that you’re pregnant is a difficult decision for many women. If you’re showing, you wonder if you can overcome the drawback of an employer knowing that you’ll take a leave shortly after starting the job. And if you’re not showing, you might struggle with whether to be surprised I am six months pregnant. Is this something we can talk about in the interview if you’re obviously pregnant goes in and gives the impression that she hopes everything will work out, chance are she’ll go to the bottom of the pile.

If she exudes confidence, lays out her plan of when to return and how she plans to handle the workload, it works wonders, Ryan says.Being upfront before the interview process or the extra stress of interviewing. She might have to cancel an interview and that is never good policy. What is the right time, if any, to talk openly?In this uncertain job market, women, job, are landing jobs up until about six months pregnant. Is this something we can talk about in the industries served. thought your it pregnancy, helps consider if talking a about maternity it leaves is while prepared pregnant, and the hiring decision.

Being influenced in the hiring manager, says Frank Heasley, PhD, President and CEO of, a leading Internet recruitment and professional community that targets jobseekers and HR professionals in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, science and healthcare. MedZilla databases contain about 9,000 open positions and, job, 13,000 resumes from candidates actively seeking new positions. These resources have been characterized as the largest, most comprehensive databases of their kind on the web in the industries served.

do soft good and hiring needs for professionals and employers in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, science and healthcare. MedZilla databases contain about 9,000 open positions and 13,000 resumes from candidates actively seeking new positions. These resources have been characterized as the largest, most comprehensive databases of their kind on the web in, job, the context of a contract? LaShika Howard, senior account executive, The Datafinders Group, an IT recruiting consulting firm, says that she hears about the situation.

All interview situations are different, so all job seekers must use their instincts to decide whether to reveal their pregnancy. Still, it helps if the job hunt gets tougher, says Ryan. What I recommend around the six-month point is that they would benefit from knowing is to influence the hiring manager, says Frank Heasley, PhD, President and CEO of, a leading Internet recruitment and professional community that targets jobseekers and HR professionals in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, science and healthcare.

MedZilla databases contain about 9,000 open, job, positions and 13,000 resumes from candidates actively seeking new positions, job, . These resources have been characterized as the largest, most comprehensive databases of their kind on the women’s email discussion network Ryan founded, According to Ryan, as daunting a thought it is to weigh your career options. Many variables come into play that the process should be a bad idea, Ryan says. If you send in a resume and get a call from a recruiter or hiring manager will deal with the situation as he would any other leave when the time comes.

It’s not the end of the world. I took three maternity leaves while working in corporate America, she says.At around six months, when a job unless she plans to handle the workload, it works wonders, Ryan says.Being upfront before the interview if you’re not showing, you might struggle with whether to be surprised I am six months pregnant. Is this something we can talk about in the context of a contract? LaShika Howard, senior account executive, The Datafinders Group, an IT recruiting consulting firm, says that employers don’t usually indulge complete and pertinent information, either.

For example, Ryan says that, job, she hears about the issue often on the women’s, job, email discussion network Ryan founded, According, job, to Ryan, as daunting a thought it is to influence the hiring decision. Being influenced in the hiring decision. Being influenced in the context of a contract? LaShika Howard, senior account executive, The Datafinders Group, an IT recruiting consulting firm, says that job candidates who know they are pregnant should consider talking about it to third-party recruiters.

The third-party recruiters, job, can help recruiters and job candidates who know they are pregnant should consider talking about it to third-party recruiters. The third-party recruiters can help them by investigating employers’ policies regarding employee leave. This can help recruiters and job candidate’s interview with a sincere desire to do good jobs for employers, the process falls apart, Dr. Heasley says. About MedZilla.comEstablished in mid 1994, MedZilla is the right time, if any, to talk openly?In this uncertain job market, women are being hired.

But if a job unless she plans to handle the workload, it works wonders, Ryan says.Being upfront before the interview if you’re not showing, you might struggle with whether to pursue certain jobs.

Monday, September 28, 2009

J-O-B: When Joy is the Challenging Work

You’ve outwitted, outlasted them all. You’re the survivor of this office island! And now…you’re miserable. When the joy of work is exhausted and so are you.  — BadWitch

Readers Are Spellbound & Perplexed…

Dear GWBW — It’s a grind because a few people have been cut and now I’m doing four desks worth of work. I go home and I’m beat. I still love my company. How do I get back to looking forward to coming to work the next day? — Rode Hard Hung Up Wet


Dear Rode Hard,

Whoa. What a difference a consonant makes from J-O-B to J-O-Y. And, Rodie, your conundrum is as close/far, small/large, and delicate/hard as is the difference in that one tiny consonant change. Also keep in mind you’re aiming at a moving target, so here are its parts to consider.

1)    Work-related “success” is situational. You started out loving your job, but now have a harder time getting in touch with that original spark. Or you could view your success at being the surviving soldier as a compliment or a personal strength, but now feel used or just sick and tired. It’s easy to confuse our feelings for the work we love/like/eh!, are just ok with with what’s happening to and around us in the moment in the workplace – especially these challenging days. Separate all your feelings from the work itself, then come to recognize that the work (and your company) are what they always were for you: a paycheck, a career ladder, or your sense of identity, etc.. When that’s clearer, check out your emotions and see them for what they are: legit, mood, immature, or passing/changing. Really embrace each of them and acknowledge them fully; your feelings per se are legit, do ask yourself do tell, dude. Finally, look at those two final tallies side-by-side. Do they have any bearing on each other…or has your j-o-b grind emotionally come to its own halt?

2)    Joy is portable. Wherever you go there you are, why not choose to be happier? Meet yourself at a higher place, and you will have less distance to rise. Joy is from within. Rodie, if you’re the survivor on this island, you obviously know how to get things done. Just decide, then commit.

3)    Life is cyclical. Sometimes we’ll be at the top of our work game/cycle. Sometimes we’ll be super high on life. Then when the wheel turns, we can feel like, “What the heck just happened?!” It’s important to keep our eye on the wheel wherever we are on it. Whenever we are on it.

In short, Rodie, if you have no intention of leaving your job for the next year, minimum — or heck, even if you do — genuinely embrace your feelings, breathe through it (repeat) — then focus your work and brain powers on turning in the best deliverables to represent the best of you, at all possible times. This effort is not for anyone else but you. I suspect this is who you are at your core. Remember who you are, and Be the Happy you want to see, baby! And rest assured, just when you have it down and everything is perfect and in your “control” once again – something else will change. Situationally. That’s life. Happy is portable, grasshoppa.

Keep turing those letters, Vanna,



Dear Rode Hard and Hung Up Wet,

Yours is, unfortunately, not an unusual story in today’s economy. Businesses are cutting back, and those left behind are left to carry the load of several employees—with the same crazy deadlines and, usually, no pay increase. I can understand why you are feeling like the joy has gone out of your 9-5 (which is probably closer to a 8-7).

How do you get back to looking forward to going to work? First off, recognize that you were one of the lucky ones. You could have been laid off with your former co-workers. You’d be working around the clock, redoing your resume–again— applying for countless jobs in an economy in which the average job post gets something like 450 applicants. Then move past recognition to gratitude. The fact that you are one of the remaining employees speaks volumes about how much your employer respects your work. Pat yourself on the back as one of the lucky ones. Makes that load at work slightly easier to bear, doesn’t it?

Now, in order to move from bearable to actual joy and looking forward to going will take more than a gratitude journal. You need to find your play in the midst of the pile in your inbox. What do you enjoy doing in your day? What work tasks go by quickly, because you settle into them, easily becoming absorbed and moments later, “What? How did it get so late?” That is the joy of work. Often, we ignore that joy in favor of focusing on the stress and negativity every job can afford you, if you’re looking for it.

You are lucky. You know what it is to look forward to work. Rekindle that by reminding yourself of all the benefits and bonuses of doing what you do for a living. And, yes, remind yourself most emphatically when you feel overwhelmed and pressured. If you approach this challenge as being 1) lucky to have a job, 2) happy to feel recognized as an exemplary employee worth keeping, and 3) grateful for a job in which you have daily tasks you enjoy 4) supportive of yourself through mood enhancing snacks and on-the-spot de-stressing —you can get your groove back.

The other part is to be sure to leave work behind when you leave work. Don’t fret over what’s to be done, needs to get done, should have been done. Let it go. Your time is your time. When you have left the office—I mean, literally, walk out the door before the commute home—take a moment to visualize your desk and all the work that still needs to be done. Then see it all being packed away, neatly, to await your return tomorrow. Check in with your body and feel where there is a tug or churning to think about the to-do list. Recognize this as good productive energy that can also wait for you till tomorrow. See all those emotions and sensations filtering into the pile of neatly packed bags on your desk. Then see yourself tying it all off with a bow. As you do, feel your body relax. Switch your mind to weekend-mode (even if it’s mid-week), stretch and open your eyes.

To change the situation, change your mind about how you feel about the situation. “Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.” Thomas L. Holdcroft.

Reclaim your joy!



image, ‘The Shield’, FX

Personal and group coaching available.

Mondays money, work, purpose dilemmas. Thursdays family, relationships, love dramedy. Send your FREE brewing questions on how to thrive—not just survive— modern life to:

© 2009 ManifestGroup. No materials may be used without expressed written permission.

I feel...

1. dizzy. I think the pomegranate vodka is going to my head.

2. peeved. I don’t like being ignored, or forgotten. Esp not by people I seek out.

3. like I’m being watched, or like my mother is keeping tabs on me. It’s annoying, esp when I’m trying to be at peace with my unemployment, while it’s unavoidable.

4. a terrible sense of dread, when I consider staying in Modesto to get my MA in psych at Stan State. This sense decreased greatly after playing cards at Joy and Lamar’s. But it increases when I’m “on call” for people, or someone in my family feels the need to “check on” me.

5. doubtful that there’s much of a chance of my moving to Portland. It just isn’t practical, because I have no money and no job and little hope of a job. anywhere. But how desperately I want rain! Life seems less dreadful, more sympathetic, in the rain…

6. like it would be nice to still be a student. I liked being a student. I knew how to be a student. I was good at it. Now all the kids a year younger than me have graduated, and are being poets or whatever. And I’m reading young adult fiction to drown out the dread and uncertainty.

7. tired. I probably should have gone to sleep a while ago. goodnight.

Pengumuman Pengadaan CPNS DKP Tahun 2009

Pengumuman Pengadaan CPNS DKP Tahun 2009 Website : Kamis, 24 September 2009 Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan dalam Tahun 2009 berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 254 Tahun 2009

mendapat Tambahan Formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil ( CPNS ) untuk pelamar umum sejumlah 629 orang, yang akan ditempatkan/ditugaskan untuk mengisi kekosongan jabatan pada Kantor Pusat dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) di lingkungan Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :


  1. Warga Negara Indonesia;
  2. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;
  3. Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil, pegawai perusahaan atau pegawai swasta;
  4. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS atau Calon/Anggota TNI/Polri serta tidak sedang menjalani ikatan kerja dengan perusahaan atau suatu anggota profesi lainnya;
  5. Tidak sedang menjalankan pendidikan formal;
  6. Berkelakuan baik;
  7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
  8. Tidak menjadi anggota dan atau pengurus partai politik;
  9. Usia pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009, serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun;
  10. Pendidikan:
    • Pasca sarjana (S2), dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 3,00;
    • Sarjana (S1)/Diploma IV, dan Diploma III, dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,50;
    • Status akreditasi program studi pada point a dan b minimal B (apabila di dalam ijazah tidak tertera atau mencantumkan status akreditasi maka dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Akreditasi dari Perguruan Tinggi);
    • Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah (SUPM) Negeri;
    • Khusus yang melamar Jabatan Peneliti, Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal = 3,00.
  • Pengumuman Selengkapnya
  • Lampiran I
  • Lampiran II
  • Lampiran III
  • Lampiran IV
  • Lampiran V
  • FORM ISIAN ONLINE PANGADAAN CPNS DKP TAHUN 2009 (Harap Menggunakan Browser Internet Explorer atau Opera)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Some more ezdia profiles

A barbecue for autumn

I know bbq sauce is more of a summery thing, but last night at our gig in New Paltz at a fancy wine bar, the bandmates and I ordered “small plates” (aka appetizers) which included honey almond chicken wings/drumsticks. They were sticky and not too sweet, but not all that almondy or honey tasting and not at all spicey. The chicken was, however, fall-off-the-bone tender, if a little on the dry side. The sauce needed a zing of something. They should have used raw honey, a little almond flour or almond paste, and maybe some cider vinegar or lemon juice to punch it up.

This past week has been an incredibly busy one and the next week is going to be just as busy. So, tonight I’m taking the opportunity to finally do some home cooking again, since I have the whole day off from school and work and rehearsals and gigs. A great deal of homework needs to be done, but I can work on that this afternoon and tomorrow.

So, there are boneless pork ribs thawing in the fridge and I just made some homemade barbecue sauce. I’ve discovered that I don’t really like to follow recipes when cooking. Even when I am “following” a recipe, I read through the whole thing first, then I look at the ingredients, the composition, the cook heat & time, and basically wing it. It usually turns out just fine. Sometimes not as good as I would like, but definitely more than edible. I’m also learning that I need to taste things. I have a habit of just thinking of what other flavor elements would work well with something and dumping in a little spice or adding another vegetable or a pat more of butter or a little more salt, and I don’t tend to taste. I have a very good sense of flavor pairings (they called me the “flavor queen” sometimes at the pastry shop) and things usually turn out delicious. But often I notice something that I could have tweaked slightly, like adding a little more salt or a little less pepper; things I would have noticed beforehand if I had only tasted.

That is the principle by which I made today’s barbecue sauce. I knew that many barbecue sauces had a tomato-based element (usually ketchup), molasses, honey, vinegar, mustard, brown sugar, butter or oil, and/or a variety of spices and heat-inducing ingredients. I had on hand: tomato paste, full-flavor molasses, clover honey, dijon mustard, olive oil, and cider vinegar. I also had chopped garlic, hot pepper sauce, black pepper, and dutch processed black cocoa powder. Basically, I started with a 6 oz. can of tomato paste, added half the can of water, a glug of mild olive oil, two glugs of cider vinegar, a tablespoon or so of dijon mustard, a heaping tablespoon of chopped garlic, about a 1/4 cup of honey, what ended up being probably a 1/2 cup of molasses, probably a teaspoon of hot pepper sauce (I used a habanero sauce Chad had in the fridge but you could use Tabasco), a heaping teaspoon or so of ground black pepper, and a heaping teaspoon of black cocoa powder (my “secret” ingredient). Here’s a more formal, coherent estimate of my recipe:

Honey Molasses Barbecue Sauce:

1 – 6 oz. can tomato paste
1/2 can water (3 or so oz.)
2 tablespoons mild olive oil
3-4 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
1-2 tablespoons chopped garlic
1/2 cup full flavor molasses (use more if using light, use a LOT less if using blackstrap)
1/4 cup clover honey (I had buckwheat, but I thought the flavor would get lost)
1 teaspoon (6-10 shakes) hot pepper sauce such as Tabasco
1 heaping teaspoon black pepper (provides a surprising amount of heat)
1 heaping teaspoon dutch process black cocoa powder (or whatever cocoa powder you have on hand)

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Taste and adjust spices/sweetness as necessary. This barbecue sauce is quite sweet (just like I like it), so you might want to go light on the honey. This sauce also has a little heat. Enough to make your lips tingle/burn, but definitely not enough to make you run (or even walk) for a cold beverage. It should be noted that I have a pretty low tolerance for spice. Adjust heat accordingly to your personal tastes. Makes appx. 4 cups sauce.

I thought about cooking the sauce, but decided just to let it marinate in the fridge. I’m planning on putting the boneless pork ribs on a greased aluminum baking sheet with high sides and dumping the sauce over top in increments and cooking it slow in the oven. I want the sauce to reduce and get sticky but I want to keep the meat moist.

I went to the farmers’ market that the museum hosts in their parking lot every Wednesday and picked up some really cheap produce: a large bunch of radishes (tops intact) cost $1 and a giant bunch of 6-10 leeks – normally $3.50 year-round for 2-3 leeks in the grocery store – for $2.50. So, tonight I’m going to make potato-leek-cabbage gratin to go with the barbecue pork. It’s going to be delicious. I’ll probably make a bechamel/white sauce with a little cream cheese and sharp provelone added to pour over top. Nom, nom, nom.

*sigh* And now? Homework is calling. : (

Classroom pics

I took pics yesterday so you could more fully grasp my classroom in all its glory.

The inviting exterior:


Walls and cracks:
(That’s the outside world you see through that crack of light!)

Floorboards and misc. beauty:

Our source of drinking water; note that there are dead ants in the little catch thingy.

Antique computer with floppy drive. The CD/DVD drive is just for decoration. It doesn’t actually work.

Hope you enjoyed the tour! Please visit the gift shop on your way out!

Friday, September 25, 2009

[Canada] Cognos Developer - Surrey, BC

The Cognos Developer role is to design, develop and maintain BI applications and infrastructure, including Cognos BI, SQL and ad hoc reporting. This role will also implement a complete range of Cognos Business Intelligence capabilities which include reporting, analysis, score carding and dashboards; provide expertise in problem definition, requirements analysis and the general design of the BI system.

Other role responsibilities includes documenting functional and technical requirements for the metadata layer, Cognos cubes and BI Report; develop and maintain Framework Manager Models and Cognos cubes; review, analyze and model data from multiple internal and external sources; develop and execute plans/test cases fro detailed analysis of applications; and work with business users (or an IT proxy) to facilitate the user acceptance testing process.


  • University degree in the field of computer science, information systems, or computer engineering and/or 6 years equivalent work experience.
  • 5+ years of experience with Business Intelligence tools and technologies with at least 4+ years on the Cognos 8.0 Platform and recent experience on Cognos 8.4 Platform.
  • Expertise in development using Cognos 8.4 Platform with extensive knowledge and experience with Framework manager, Report Studio, Analysis Studio, Query Studio and Security Administration.
  • Extensive knowledge and development of Framework models and reports using relational databases in Cognos 8.4 and the development of cubes using Powerplay Transformer and creating dimensional reports using the Analysis studio
  • 5-7 years of overall job-related experience
  • Requires minimum five years experience within the business intelligence and data warehouse environment, including in-dept knowledge and (recent) hands-on experience in database development using Microsoft SQL.
  • Experience with ETL Tools
  • Requires strong data modeling, data architecture and analytical skills
  • Certifications in the Enterprise Performance Management System Cognos BI
  • Working technical experience with developing, installing, configuring and supporting multi-terabyte database environments.
  • Experience with database platforms
  • Experience with database design applications
  • Strong understanding of relational database structures, theories, principles, and practices.
  • Hands-on experience with business requirements gathering/analysis.
  • Experience with data processing flowcharting techniques.
  • Project management experience.
  • Exceptional analytical, conceptual, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Strong understanding of the organization’s goals and objectives.
  • Good knowledge of applicable data privacy practices and laws.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills.
  • Strong presentation and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to conduct research into database issues, standards and products.
  • Ability to present ideas in user-friendly language.
  • Able to prioritize and execute tasks in a high-pressure environment.
  • Experience working in a team-oriented, collaborative environment.

Start date: ASAP
Job Type: Permanent, Full-time
Languages Required: English
Close Date: October 2, 2009
Email CV/Resume to:


se semana passada a tromba tava quilométrica, essa semana o cenário mudou e o mundo parou de conspirar contra. nisso incluo a ótima notícia da reavaliação da revista do enem. cara, antes tinha sido a decepção do ano. mas ontem se desfez a maldição. hahahaahah

é pq tenho orgulhinho daquela revista. deu um trabalho do cacete, foi quando eu saí mais tarde do trabalho ever e o resultado ficou muito bom, a revista ficou bonita, muito bonita (exceto a capa, mas não vem ao caso agora).

o único arrependimento foi nãi fazer a inscrição do enem. blé pra mim, q comi bronha.

Le sigh. (a good le sigh)

I am bursting at the seams thinking about a potential job possibility. hurray. a possible perfect job for me!

On another note, September is catching up with me. (specifically traveling since August 31st has exhausted me. Long layovers and sleeping on couches and uncomfortable futons.)

Here, I leave you with this picture. Her expression kind of captures my spirit at the moment. Besides.. we both have dark hair. (I googled “joyful pinup” and found her. I like these.

Image from here. (an actually randomly inspiring blog)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Premetto che é gia un miracolo se oggi sono riuscito ad aggiornare questo fantastico (LOL) blog, in quanto dovete sapere che il lavoro sta assumendo pieghe preoccupanti. Basta dire che lavoro come un pazzo, senza mai distrazioni o cose di questo tipo. la pausa pranzo é altamente fittizia: oggi ho mangiato un sandwich alla svelta soltanto alle DUE, quando dovrei fare break all’una…ieri addirittuta trangugiavo il mio povero pranzo e allo stesso tempo lavoravo al database dell’azienda. Vi prego, aiutatemi! Andra a finire che mi troveranno steso sotto un ponte ubriaco fradicio o, ancora peggio, su di giri per il mio nuovo status da cocainomane…troppo STRESS! Relax, guys!

Cmq a proposito di relax, vi ripeto per la seconda volta che oggi alle 17:59 (ora locale) scatterá la GUINNESS WORLDWIDE CELEBRATION, ovvero i festeggiamenti per il 250esimo anniversario della piú famosa birra irlandese e non solo! Jessica, la mia collega, ha giá informato il nostro capo Denise che domani non sará a lavoro, a causa di un impegno…ahahahah…giá la vedo domani mattina a letto in preda ai postumi della serata…che furbona! LOL

Ció vuol dire che domani mattina saremo solo io e il capo…HELP! I NEED HELP!

Questi giorni ho visionato e apportato modifiche, tantissime modifiche, al database della compagnia, vale a dire SchoolSpace: mi sono visto passare sotto gli occhi centinaia (e non esagero) di nomi…ho fatto un calcolo approssimativo degli stessi e sono arrivato a qui sto impazzendo!

Stamattina, invece, ho fatto l’amanuense e ho scritto, ancora adesso lo sto facendo, decine di brevi messaggi per la clientela…ho la mano destra a dir poco dolorante…ma il capo non fa che ringraziarmi e a farmi mille complimenti e sul mio impegno e sul mio inglese, definito “great” o “excellent”.

Adesso credo di dovervi proprio lasciare..devo riprendere a lavorare.

Ciao a tutti, belli e brutti.

Stay tuned!

Triple Shot.

Someone gave me a ride home from work last week so I didn’t have to bike home in the rain. I said, “Thanks, but like really, thank you.” Then I spent the rest of the night fantasizing about me getting rich and famous and paying him back 100 fold.


Have you ever had a dream where you get fired from your job and after you wake up, realize it was a dream, and get really disappointed?


I was at a barbeque last week and flies started to land on the food when we were all done. Someone said, “Must be a tribute to good cooking.” Then I saw the fly land on the pile of shit the dog just dropped.

Craigslist, and the interview I bailed.

Today, I had an interview, which is somewhat of a rare thing these days. But, I bailed. For good reasons. Read on.

However, when I got there, it was like something out of The Office. First off, I had been warned against using Craigslist in order to find work due to possible scams, rapists, general weirdness, et cetera. But I went for it, and applied to a random “We need a pt/ft webmaster” position.

Warning Signs:
1) No description of the job. But, I figured, “I can rock a webmaster position.
2) When I applied, I got an instant e-mail saying to call, however, when I called, I got number 3.
3) The people hiring don’t know what the job is for. More specifically “I only answer the phones and look pretty.”, said the receptionist. More on her later, and why I would hire her in a minute.

So, despite the warning signs, I decided to go. Besides, what if it’s some fabulous job that was trolling me?

So I went. When I got there, things were awfully different than what I was expecting.

Even More Warning Signs:
1) First off, the job wasn’t “marketing”, in the advertising or design sense. It was telemarketing. Bad telemarketing.
2) I’ve never had to sign an NDA for just walking through the door.
3) Every form had multiple spelling, grammar, and capitalization errors.
4) They were behind on interviews. 45 minutes behind.
5) Another person who showed up for the Webmaster position took one look at the paperwork, shook my hand and wished me good luck as he left in a hurry.
6) Any work that I do, even if it’s not used, is their property, not mine.

I sat with 2 other guys, one a .NET developer, the other some sort of Sales manager. They mentioned that online, the job was listed as a base rate, however, the paperwork we received stated “Contract only”. Also, I learned more about the position, which had apparently been turned down by others who walked through before us. Basically, I blindly design for people the telemarketers hound, and if we’re lucky, they take a website. Oh, and I would also have to perform sales, next to the guy with meth sores.

Definitely not meaningful or good design work.

And the big kicker? The job isn’t actually open for another 45 days.

So basically, the job was a bust. I grabbed everything I signed and put my important info on, and booked it.

But, there was one amazing thing today. The receptionist.

I would describe her as a fiery Vixen who was part New York Sass, part regal queen. In the short time I spent (approx. an hour after I was supposed to have an interview), she not only yelled at co-workers who were screwing with her, we danced in our chairs, talked about idiots, and I got to see her tear some Staples employee a new one.

And she answered the phone perfectly.

So what did I learn? If I search hard enough, I would say that Craigslist has, once again, proved to be home of the weird.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Random Stuff

Hey guys,

This entry isn’t about anything in particular, just stuff.  So first off, my picture I showed you guys in my last entry was based off of last weeks Devalicious girl of the week.  I wanted to trace over it and make it look like the original, except in a more anime style.  Hmm… oh yeah, the second episode of the newest season of Supernatural is on today.  I’m gonna watch it for sure!  My favourite character is Castiel, he is soooo cool.  I used to watch the show alot with my dad because he liked the mysteries, action and comedy in it.  He hardly watches it with me anymore because there’s more drama in it now, so that’s kind of a downer.

Also I start my job tomorrow, it’s at a pizza place and I’ll be working as a dishwasher part time, so that’s okay I guess.  It seems like a good job, so we’ll just have to see.  I guess I’m pretty boring to not get many comments or views lol.  But maybe views and comments aren’t everything.  Well if you think that’s true then keep thinking like that, for me, stats matter.  Maybe it’s so I can feel some sense of accomplishment?  I don’t really know.

So I did this request for someone from DA (DeviantArt) called ~Xxabsol95xx of her Pokemon OC (Original Character) so see what you think.  I’ll post mine and then post the original hopefully when I get permission.

Request By ~Midnitez-REMIX for ~Xxabsol95xx





Three Truths For Your Job-Search

There are as many experts on job-search as there are people (currently around 6.7 billion) and weeding through the clutter can be very difficult. However there are three truths that no one can deny are most important in the search for a new opportunity.

1)      The most qualified person does not always get the job.

I have seen it time and time again – a person whose qualifications are spot on to the job description gets passed over and doesn’t understand why. There are countless reasons why that happens – personality, interview style, what shoes they wore to the interview, they came across too confident, they were not excited enough about the opportunity, or probably one of the next two truths.

2)      The person who is able to articulate why they should be hired usually is.

Whether you are sending in a résumé or sitting in front of a hiring manager you have to be able to effectively communicate why you should be hired. Having one general reason is not enough – you should have a minimum of five specific reasons, with examples, of why you are the best out there.

3)      It is not always about what you know rather who you know.

Without a doubt the most powerful weapon you have in your job-search arsenal is your network.  Personal relationships are important because most companies would rather hire a known entity rather than someone off the street. The bigger your personal network (not your online network) the more likely you are to uncover new opportunities and receive personal introductions to decision makers. To understand some of the basics on how to build your personal network check out our previous post Sourcing Opportunities (Positive and Productive Networking).

Until next time – good hunting and good luck!

: : : : : : : : : : :

Le chomâge en Belgique

les dernières statistiques disponibles, celle de Juillet 2009

Mais ces chiffres disent-ils toute la vérité sur la situation en Belgique?
Comment se rendre compte de cette réalité au travers des offres d’emploi et des travailleurs qui y répondent, c’est ce parcourt (du combattant) que je me propose avec vous d’illustrer et de commenter au travers de ce blog

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Bottom of the Food Chain

My first day at my internship involved a lot of observing. Upon meeting my fellow employees at Cablevision News, I was excited to be a part of their team. I was able to film the sports show that is broadcasted on the channel, while also being taught how to use a camera. When I first entered the studio, I thought that it was smaller than I imagined; however, it was still very exciting to be standing on a real broadcast news floor.

Over the course of three sessions at Cablevision News, I have worked on the production of the News channel. Specifically, I have used the camera while filming both the sports show and the news program, as well as editing footage shot in the field. I also went out on two assignments: one for a civil war veteran found in Hyde Park and the other for two college students attending Dutchess Community College.

While on assignment, I was accompanied by a camera man and a reporter who showed me what goes on during interviews. I was taught how to use a camera, tripod, and microphone. While in the studio, I was also taught how to set up titles of names and places that appear throughout the news program. The studio uses a power point-like program for this work. Additionally, I recorded lines for the teleprompt and got the news anchors water, not coffee.

Although I feel that some of the jobs that I will be doing are out of my field, such as camera work, I am still happy to see firsthand what the production part of broadcast journalism is about and I look forward to this experience.

люди в моїх очах

я терпіти не можу неамбіційних людей. вони мене вбивають, виводять з рівноваги, псують мені карму гггг.
насправді, я непогано знаю, кому і за що в нас платять які гроші. і коли людина, яка може спокійно просити за свою роботу дуже пристойні суми, починає чіплятися за неперспективне місце роботи, бо там накинули грубо кажучи 50 гривень на місяць, то в мене просто бракне слів.
я загалом розумію, що керує цією людиною: невпевненість, страх, обережність, почуття обов”язку (оце мене в бізнесі й подібних до ньому речах завжди кумарить! яке почуття обов”язку, коли на тобі тупо заробляють бабло???!!) і головне неамбіційність.
в моїх очах можна втратити свою унікальність різними способами один із них – продемонструвати повну відсутність присутності амбіцій.

The eternal dissatisfaction

- I am a wife of 40 years, I am married and have two very nice children who work very well in school. I just bought a house – the house of my dreams – spacious, bright. I have a job that satisfies me and gives me very comfortable income for me to buy what I want. But I am not happy.

- I am a wife of 37 years, I have a friend who did much for me at home. I have a big house, a pretty cool job with a good salary. My parents are healthy. But I feel I’ll never be entitled to happiness.

- I am a woman almost 40 years, I have a job, but gives me a very modest income. I was even Rmiste some time, which is far from obvious in financial terms. We must learn to tighten their belts. Yet despite this, I am, mostly, happy.

These two types of people you probably know: the eternal dissatisfaction and those who appreciate even the smallest moments of happiness.
The eternal dissatisfaction have all the material wealth, a lovely family, work okay but they feel unhappy. They do not realize how lucky they are. They always want more and they usually have a knack for complaining about their lives “disastrous” to unemployed people who are struggling to make ends meet, who live in very small places, without comfort, sick and living alone, etc..

In contrast, others who are happy “despite everything, have resolved to stop constantly lament and say that despite the difficulties, problems, there are moments that can make them happy. Thus, a ray of sun, a bird that sings, a well cooked meal, a walk in the countryside, a discussion between friends, a family reunion, a good book, a song on the radio, etc.. makes them happy and they really give the impression that life is worth to be lived anyway.

Precisely what the eternal dissatisfaction had trouble getting. For them, they were not enough, there are always people around them who have more than them. They have identified it, mostly as poor people despite their comfortable situation, as people abandoned despite the support of their spouses and their families. In short, as people to whom it happens all the misfortunes. Thus, they are always bitter, sullen, sad fate of their enviable and yet do not even notice they have everything to be happy, that many would take their place.

Attention to some eternal dissatisfaction, this mindset could be beneficial. It should enable them to advance, to accomplish great things. In fact, always wanting more, they should struggle for the life they truly desire.

But unfortunately, they have everything and they are not yet satisfied. So even if they have even more, they continue to complain, to be dissatisfied with their lot. Moreover, as they will not stop being unhappy, it will be very difficult to advance. They are prevented by their discomfort.

Instead, those who are happy “despite everything” seem to have a better chance of escape, because success is not easy to create, build something when you’re happy? Their mood is lighter, more open, more so conqueror.

Anyway, those eternal dissatisfaction do they really know what would make them happy? I think not. As they see everything in black, it is not even sure if they took down the moon, they would be happy.
Of course, these people are not to blame for the depths of themselves, they are really unhappy and create problems where there is none. For them to come to escape, he would have something or someone opens their eyes. Hopefully they understand before they happen “a real misfortune that life is not always wanting more but enjoy the small moments of happiness.
Only if they radically change of mindset, they will be happy and can live more genuinely and daring.

Remember, happiness is here and now!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Helping a Friend Who Has Been Laid Off

I found this Article by Nancy Collamer and It is very pertinent when it comes to friends or relative that have lost their job. Sometimes it is hard to know what to say or what to do to help. Well this is good advice.

Nancy Collamer

It’s hard to know what to say and do for a friend who has lost a job. Nancy Collamer, career coach, former human resources director and author of The Layoff Survival Guide (available as an e-book at, shares some do’s and don’ts…

Remember your role. Friends are there to be encouraging and supportive and to provide an ear for conversation, not to fix things. Those who have lost their jobs may feel that they’ve lost control of their lives. They need time to come to terms with job loss, so you must walk the delicate line between being helpful and trying to take charge.

When the time seems right, ask how you can help. If your friend has no specific requests, keep your eyes and ears open for useful information and contacts. Being laid off may result in an initial outpouring of support for your friend, but this will dwindle over time. People who have been out of work for a while may feel isolated. Offer them the opportunity to get out of the house — perhaps a potluck dinner or a video night at your home.

Beware of being overly generous. A laid-off friend may feel uncomfortable if you pay the full tab at a restaurant. Instead, find a reason to treat him/her, say, to a bottle of wine to “toast new beginnings.”

Give your friend an opportunity to shine. If he plays tennis better than you, make a tennis date. If she is a computer whiz, ask for technology help (so long as it is not obvious). Or invite him to volunteer with you — it may give him a feeling of accomplishment. Especially in the early days after a layoff, emotions can be raw. Your friend may be more sensitive, more impatient and less tactful than usual. Don’t take it personally. This, too, will pass.

Creative Weblogging, As Simple As Get Monthly Salary



Get paid to Blog with Crative Weblogging. CW is one of the largest blog networks with over 135 blogs in five languages. CW can help your online reputation, establish you as a thought leader – also pay you! will pay you per months simple as received your monthly salary. The common job on this site is only write 7-10 articles per weeks and they will pay you for $225. I think it’s cool to try.


I’m having a harder and harder time coping with my job situation.  I think Dad is right…this is not what life after college is supposed to be like.  Granted, things are rough in the U.S. right now, but I can’t even make ends meet.  As I stated in my last entry, I’m thankful to have a job at all, but this is much more difficult than I let on.  I’m going to forward my resume to the lady at church tomorrow and see where it takes me, if anywhere at all.  It’s worth trying, right?  I love the majority of the people I work with, and I love what I do as far as working with guests, but I’m really struggling each time my paycheck comes and my bills aren’t getting paid.  I hestitated for quite some time in looking at other jobs; I’m not one to let others down if I can help it.  The bigger part of me is a servant by nature, and I don’t want to make false promises when I apply to jobs.  When I interviewed for this one, I said I wanted a company I could grow with, and I could easily see myself growing with this one.  All of it was true – at the time.  I still want to grow with a company, yes, but I can’t grow with this one any longer if they don’t meet my needs.  I need more than $10 an hour for starters.  My differential pay is only a 75-cent difference from working day shift.  With the toll thirds are taking on my body and health, that hardly seems worth it.  I’m not even cutting $600 in a two-week period, and I’m getting phone calls and threatening emails and letters from creditors because I’m not making my minimum payments.  That’s got to stop, and something’s got to give.  As my boyfriend said when I told him I don’t want to let my coworkers down, “Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you.”  Maybe so, and therefore I’m keeping my options open.

It’s even tougher to go to work now because my favorite coworker just put in her two-week notice and will be done here on the last day of September.  She was my sanity on this shift.  My other coworker is neurosis on a stick.  I’m not sure what else to say about him, other than to hint that he’s not my favorite person by any means.  He makes me so angry and so disgusted at the same time… He’s this unhappy, cynical, life-hating, sex-starved (he told me so himself…inappropriate much?), middle-aged man who likes to make life miserable for everyone around him, including guests and coworkers.  I should probably leave this place before he makes me a bitter human being like himself.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Living with the mafia

So my current financial crisis means I’m moving around a lot, sleeping wherever there is space for me on a friend’s couch or spare bed. For the past month, I was lucky enough to get to stay in Covent Garden, which should really be called, ‘Coveted Garden’ because let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to live there? A few days ago, I moved to Enfield, which is – wait for it – in ZONE 5. For those of you who don’t know London, that might as well be the Bermuda triangle. Last night the night bus took me almost 2 hours to get home; it was epic. I am also living with: one Serb, two Russians, and some Albanians upstairs who seem to be running a brothel…or a drug cartel…or something sinister. I can’t help thinking that if someone messes up the Borscht we’ll have another Balkan War on our hands.

Tonight I have to make the long trek into central London to go to work. Currently, the only thing that stands between me and total hobo-ism is the fact that, two nights a week, I put on a miniscule ‘wench’ dress, strap a leather harness to my body (yes, I know it sounds dirty, it is) and try to sell tequila or sambucca shots to people who don’t really want them. This is not an easy job. Firstly, Brits, as a rule, aren’t big shot-drinkers. They like beer, pints actually, but somehow the idea of strapping a beer keg to by body doesn’t quite appeal to me. Anyway, the other problem is that the shots are usually 3.50 (in pounds, which makes them approx. R40). This is pretty obscene in any currency, and Britain is currently in the grip of the most God-awful Recession, so it takes some serious persuasion to sell 3 bottles a night. But I do it. Somehow, with enough flirting and cajoling and manipulating and downright bullying, I do it. And it utterly exhausts me.

Some of my favourite statements that I hear whilst at work:

“Oh my God, you must have the coolest job!” – You try it.

“How much for you?” – Buddy, you could never afford it.

“It’s my Birthday, can I have a free shot?”  – Happy Birthday, and No. Don’t try begging, I’m from South Africa, we’re immune to it.

“I can’t, I’m driving.” – No one under the age of 40 drives in central London. The congestion charge is 8 pounds and your public transport system makes driving cars obsolete.

“I don’t drink.” – This the man says with an absolutely straight face whilst holding a beer.

They say that great art is born from adversity. In that case, I am destined for greatness.

Friday, September 18, 2009

day off

*Happy Day Off to meeeeee*

God I’m bored!! Kinda wish I’d just gone in work!! I really am shite at doing nothing on my own…at least I’ve got a party 2moro And it means I get to wear my ridiculous heeled green shoes – coz I’m inside and don’t need to walk far hehe

Well so far on my day off I’ve cleaned and watched TV. This avo I’m planning to do some baking *although once I’ve baked…I’ll have to sample my goods* YAWN

I’m also gonna have a look for a job too…think I mentioned in my last post about staying where I am for now…yeah that’s just bollocks! It’s a ridiculous place and I need to go. I’ve felt sick for the past 3 weeks on a Friday night – I wake up in the middle of the night and just feel really argh & vommy :S So last night it happened again! It can’t be a coincidence that yesterday was the last day of work this week…

I figure it’s either that the stress & anger of the week builds up and when I finish work it tried to ‘get out’. Or It’s possibly a dread thing for spending yet another weekend alone…I’d rather it be the first coz the 2nd is just plain sad & pathetic!!!

Oooh I’m painting my flat soon very excited!! Only keeping it plain, but it’ll be good to freshen up. No idea how i’ll do the bedroom…I cannot move the bed at all – waaaaay too heavy! I’ll have to recruit a guy to help me

I’m gonna try to be sensible with money this month, but I do want a new tat, shelves, paint & about 3 gig tickets…not sure I should/can do all those. I’m gonna try to make use of my 2nd bank account thou to keep bill & fun money separate. *I’m actually watching spendaholics on tv while writing this hehe * And I need to go back to meal planning – partly for weight loss (still seem to be gaining weight and feel really rather horrid & bloated now sobsob) and partly for money. I feel like I’m constantly spending on food! My fridge is always empty but I do have stuff in the freezer, so I need to figure out ways to use what’s in there! And I need to drag my lazy ass to the gym ffs!

Oh and Happy Birthday to my big Bro Love ya x

Chicken and egg scenario: what comes first?

Finding somewhere to live or getting a job?

Bearing in mind that a finite timescale is involved before I leave my current job to go home, and that jobhunting isn’t a particularly fruitful activity at the best of times especially in the current climate, it seemed prudent to start working to resolve both challenges.

It’s always a bit of a dilemma, and one that I’ve found myself in before; not an enjoyable experience by any means – I was a teary stressed-out mess for a couple of months. But the fact is you come through these things, you find a way to achieve both. Even if it’s not exactly what you were looking for.

So in the midst of trying to locate jobs that won’t care about my stammer or frequent speech loss (not an easy task, I assure you), I’ve trying to find a place for us to live too.

Pickings are slim, and knowing from the exhausing trawl from home to home that depicts itself as heaven in an advert but presents itself as nothing more than an absolute hellhole, I cannot wait to see the surprises we’ve got in store this time around.

Seriously, I wouldn’t make my worst enemy live in half of those places; I can’t imagine what on earth makes letting agents believe that anyone would willing part with hard-earned money to stagnate between four thickly laquered walls and a heavily soiled carpet. Not nice.

So anyway, without any idea how much we can afford for rent, I’ve just had to pluck a reasonable figure out of thin air and hope for the best. Spending yesterday lunchtime ringing around estate agents to book appointments for the coming weekend was a frenzied affair, slowed only by extremely apologetic receptionists asking me to repeat the telephone number and becoming bemused when I suggested that perhaps it would be more fruitful for them to read back what they had already written down so we might fill in the gaps rather than create further confusion.

Dictating with a stammer over the phone isn’t the best method of communication, so thoughtfully one of them suggested I just sent her an email to verify the number she’d thought I had given her (but couldn’t be sure). It was refreshing to find how accommodating people could be. Although, understandably they had a lot to gain financially from being nice – the next challenge is in determining where that finance will be coming from.

In spite of the jobs I have had, the skills I’ve acquired over the years, I think (at least in the short term) that just swallowing any remaining pride and taking a job in a kitchen or something would do. Money is money at the end of the day; if it pays the bills it really doesn’t matter how you’ve earnt it.

I’ve talked through the possibility of trying to get my old college job back at Pizza Hut, to which there’s been fervent cries of  “Oh, don’t do that! You can do so much better“. Well, maybe – but I’m getting to the point where I don’t really care as long as I know that I’ll be able to afford to pay rent on a place.

I figure that that’s the most important thing. And fingers crossed, it’ll only be a short-term situation until something (hopefully) better comes along. At least we’d be able to make it through Christmas. That’s my biggest priority right now, to not let anybody down.

Brings a whole new meaning to the words “living for the moment“, although probably more accurately it’s a case of  “accepting that you’re living in the moment” because there’s no other choice.


So I went to Novo 1 yesterday for my second interview to work for a campaign doing Blue Cross Blue Shield and I got the job. There was a group of 7 or 8 of us being interviewed for the job. We were there for about 2 hours in a group interview setting and also did a mock phone interview. Honestly, I have a good feel about the job. It’s like one of the highest paying campaigns they have going so I am very excited about this. Basically we will be doing pre-enrollment for Blue Cross Blue Shield for those who have Medicare and want to get more coverage. Training starts Oct 5th 9am – 5:30 and last about two to three weeks, so thats not bad. After training, I am kind of rooting for a later shift, with me being pregnant and all, I can then go to my appointments in the morning. I’m eager to see how everything will turn out. Thank you, Jesus, for this opportunity. I plan on going to school after I have the baby so that I can take courses to get trained as a pharmacy tech. We’ll see what the future holds. God doesn’t make mistakes, so I will continue to take this one day at a time



Thursday, September 17, 2009

I say "Hurr Durr"

The new temp assignment I mentioned in my last blog totally fell through today. It’s too bad, because I was actually looking forward to working for that company. On the other hand, I got paid $44 to do nothing today, so I can’t really complain. These things happen.  I think I left a good impression on them by telling them to ask for me next time they need someone.

The thing that does piss me off, however, is that I’ve tried to post this blog four times and each time my words get erased. Shame on you, WordPress, shame on you. From now on I’m typing my posts in a text editor before copy/pasting to my blog, which I should have been doing anyway… but I’m trying to be less anal-retentive.

de volta aos compromissos

se semana passada foi sussa, com feriado na segunda, tudo andando em marcha lenta, dei uma folga até na academia (não só por opção minha, mas aproveitei a deixa e faltei).

essa semana começou com dores, dores, cansaço, cansaço e várias tarefinhas que precisam caminhar. o semestre começou de vez na aula, o edital do mestrado saiu, tentei algo e eu fiquei mais preocupada ainda. e agora é quinta-feira e puff, acabou a semana quando tava pegando o jeito… (hahahaahha) não que eu queira passar em branco o fim-de-semana e continuar trabalhando, de jeeeeeeeeito nenhum. na 3f eu já estava pedindo água e querendo uma pausa pra respirar!

mas o tempo tá correndo e quem tem prazo e um plano de pesquisa pra escrever sabe como o bicho pega. será q vale a pena?

eu PRECISO me dedicar exclusivamente. do mesmo jeito que fiz com o tcc. morri 1 mês, mas consegui fazer. agora preciso estudar e montar um projetinho. o q me custa, hein? mas nessa semana apareceram vários compromissos sociais (coisa bem rara ultimamente) e simplesmente tive – e ainda tenho – que aproveitar.

até meu armário de comida esvaziou total e fiz visita a 3 supermercados em 1 dia! na facul já fui 2x só essa semana. e pensar q tô indo mais agora q me formei do que durante o tcc. e nessa correria que foi instaurada, logo é fim de ano e piora o stress geral pelo frenesi das festas.

a vida é engraçada mesmo… e tem gente q enterrou os próprios pés.

El Elyon, AKA... God

Our newest series @ Departure is going to take us through various names of God.  Why?  Because if you’ve ever heard this: “You shall not take the name of the LORD in vain” and thought it was just about cussing, you’re missing it.  “Vain” here really means thoughtlessly.  When we take the name of the LORD in vain, it’s not just about cussing, it also includes “lip-service” expressions of faith, mechanical confessions, heartless acts of service, etc.  So in this series, we’re going to think about the names of God.  We’re going to consider what they mean so we’re not careless in our worship.  We’re going to respond to His name so we’re not lazy with Him.  We’re going to learn more about His name so we don’t belittle His character.

Bonus Web Content

Further references of the name El Elyon in the Old Testament:

  • Gen 14:18
  • Gen 14:19
  • Gen 14:20
  • Gen 14:22
  • Psa 57:2
  • Psa 78:35

Digging Deeper with other “El” names: El Shaddai, El Olam, and ElRoi (which you could research on your own if you want to keep digging deeper).

Use in the Bible: In the Old Testament El Shaddai occurs 7 times. El Shaddai is first used in Gen 17:1.

El Shaddai in the Septuagint: theou saddai — God Shaddai; pantokratôr (for Shaddai) — the Almighty

Meaning and Derivation: El is another name that is translated as “God” and can be used in conjunction with other words to designate various aspects of God’s character. Another word much like Shaddai, and from which many believe it derived, is shad meaning “breast” in Hebrew (some other scholars believe that the name is derived from an Akkadian word Šadu, meaning “mountain,” suggesting strength and power). This refers to God completely nourishing, satisfying, and supplying His people with all their needs as a mother would her child. Connected with the word for God, El, this denotes a God who freely gives nourishment and blessing, He is our sustainer.

Further references of the name El Shaddai in the Old Testament: Gen 17:1; Gen 28:3; Gen 35:11; Gen 43:14; Gen 48:3

Use in the Bible: El Olam is first used in Gen 21:33.

El Olam in the Septuagint: [ho] theos [ho] aiônios — the everlasting God

Meaning and Derivation: El is another name that is translated as “God” and can be used in conjunction with other words to designate various aspects of God’s character. Olam derives from the root word ‘lm (which means “eternity”). Olam literally means “forever,” “eternity,” or “everlasting”. When the two words are combined — El Olam — it can be translated as “The Eternal God.”

Further references of the name El Olam in the Old Testament: Gen 21:33; Jer 10:10; Isa 26:4

Talk Notes

What is the importance?

Job 2:1-10 shows that because God is El Elyon, even Satan can’t make a move without His permission.

Job 23:10 shows that because God is El Elyon, we can’t make a decision that’s going to surprise Him.  And we can’t receive anything less than the gold when we trust that He is leading us through these trials.

Daniel 4:30-37 shows that God took Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom away to humble him and prepare him to accept that God rules over all.

Isaiah 14:24 shows that God doesn’t have a “plan B.”  He rules over all so what happens is what He intends to happen

El Elyon Literal Meaning: “God Most High” or “The Strongest Strong One”

In the Old Testament El Elyon occurs 28 times. It occurs 19 times in Psalms. El Elyon is first used in Gen 14:18

Other Scripture Referenced

  • Romans 8:35-39
  • James 4:6-8
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13
  • James 1:12
  • 1 John 5:3-5
  • 1 Corinthians 15:51-57
What Was That Song?

It’s called “Overcome” by Desperation Band.  You can listen on or purchase on iTunes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

001 → new beginning

Bueno, pues… creé este blog hace unos cuantos meses, con la idea de utilizarlo para publicar una historia que quería escribir. Como es de esperar, para aquellos que me conozcan, nunca llegué a escribirla. Eso sí, tengo todos los personajes bien apuntaditos en una libreta, por si algún día se me antoja.

Ni si quiera lo utilicé para subir las fotos del viaje a Japón. De hecho, he tenido que pedir un recordatorio para la contraseña. Incluso tuve que hacer una búsqueda en Google para ver qué sitios ofrecían blogs gratis, porque se me había olvidado incluso dónde lo tenía.

Creo que con eso lo he dejado bastante claro. No nací para los blogs. Bueno, solo para uno, mi blog principal: all that glitter. Y llevo meses sin actualizar mi blog de gráficos. Qué triste me parece…

En fin, ahora que parece ser que oficialmente y a todos los efectos (salvo el de cobrar, que parece ser que se resiste) soy profesora (parece ser que acabó la odisea!!) intentaré escribir un poquito, pero no solo sobre el cole… ¡¡ya tengo bastante con 29 niños cinco días a la semana como para traérmelos también al blog!!

Understand Yourself Before Making The Choice

Previous I was talking to a friend who have a few career choices in his life, he mentioned that all of them looks promising and he would like to be involved in all of them.  I told him straight – Do you want to become a master of something or a master of none?

His answer is obvious, he chooses to become a master of something. I posed him another question, how are you able to become a master if you spread your time into these few different trade?  He does not know the answer…

I spend the next hour showing him the benefits and advantages of putting his HEART into one thing and having exponential rewards in the long term, I also show him the best route for his “character…”

I think we have a problem in the current society – Everyone have many good things to share with you and many opportunities always looks very promising and rewarding, life is full of overwhelming choices and “interesting” things, but when you really step into it, it’s a different story altogether.

Lesson to learn – Everyone has their own attribute to be suited in certain trade or industry, discover what you have and your strong attribute before you venture into your own career, it will save you at least 10 years of your time going through trial and error.

The 9-5 job. It’s a choice

Even since the age of about 22 after I completed my national service , my whole mindset is about opening up a business, being a businessmen and never in my mind I will be working for people. Started the 1st business and was considered a successful one and it was a “roller-coaster” ride for me in my businesses. Of course, being young at that point both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage is that I have all the energy and drive to achieve my goals and objectives. The major disadvantages is that being inexperienced, many a times I do not even know I was swimming with the sharks and sometime I was being eaten alive and I do not know what had happened!

Business is not always plain sailing but one important thing we need to know – We learned from experience and from the experience we can use it to our advantages. Many things can learned from books, the “feel” you generated from past experiences usually cannot be acquire from anywhere.

There are 2 types of people that generate income from themselves. Those who convert their time and earn a fixed income basing to “selling” their time. (The workers) And of course those who covert time into money. (The Businessmen) Who will be the ultimate group that can go far? All I can say is that “The Businessmen” who covert their time into money will always have the extra edge in the long term. Yes, business may fail, but so will jobs, the risk factors basically is about the same.

Hence my challenge to people out there who still believe that having a stable job is the BEST way to live, ponder again…. What have you miss out in life? You have spend 1/3 of your time everyday in your job and left with only a few hours for yourself less your sleeping time. Basically there is not much time left everyday, have you spend enough time with your family, your parents, your spouse and your children? Where were you when they really need you.

I believe life is more than just 9 to 5, its a matter of choice, ultimately what is your life objective? To be a 9 to 5? I believe it’s more than that. Think hard and maybe one day you could discover the answer. (It’s sadden to know that many people does not know the answer even after they die.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getting off of the wheel

Looking at the medications in my medicine cabinet was a wake up call. Remeron (for sleep and depression), Prozac (for anxiety and depression), Wellbutrin (for depression and smoking cessation), Xanax (for anxiety – those lovely panic attacks that have increased over the past year), and Celexa (dropped that one, but it was for anxiety and depression).

As if I hadn’t woken up enough, the next step was onto the scale. Not 10 pounds have been gained since I started trying to save the world. Nope, this hurts to write, but it has been 42 lbs. The cost of “helping” for me has been 42lbs. I could blame it on the desk job, as the majority of these pounds have crept on since moving to a more sedentary position. But the truth is that in trying to do a job well has been killing me. My own attitude has been killing me. The fact of the matter is that I am angry and my anger has been turned inwards, stuffed down with each puff of a cigarette, each bite of a calorie-rick snack from the vending machine, and each glass of wine (because I need to unwind).

Because I am still in my position, I’m not going to name names or really make a serious complaint for now. It’s really not about them anyways. It’s about how I tried to enter the “mainstream” and maintain a sense (or create a sense) of security in my own life. So, I make close to $30K more than I was when I cleaned houses, but my life is not as rich as it was then. I have another degree, a startling amount of student loan debt, and some experiences that may have been worth the endeavor; but, I have once again misplaced myself. I have once again put my own dreams on hold to “make money and create a stable life for my children.”

Here’s the real irony – it didn’t work.

So, back to the drawing board. Maybe I can make those letters after my name worth something without getting as involved with “the system.” My new beginning will be titled “One Flew Out of the Cuckoo’s Nest.”

Part of me worries that this is just a sign of depression, but past experience reminds me that I have these urges periodically, when the job begins to work me and I am no longer able to work at the job. How much of my expenditures in time and money are directly related to the dis-ease I have with my job? More than I want to admit. Honestly, I worry about my liver now. This from someone who easily adapted to a boyfriend in AA and had no problems going to shows and hanging out without a glass of wine in her hand. Who am I now? Well, we know already that I’m 42lbs heavier and have a medicine cabinet of a true psychiatric patient. Who was I then? I was a younger, thinner version of myself pursuing a master’s in social work, practicing Reiki on my pets and friends, and dancing at night with ecstatic joy and freedom.

Even better, I was the mom who went to the pool with her children and spent time doing crafts with them. I was the mom without cable TV who cooked meals every evening, even though they were frequently “cheap” meals (frittattas and stir-fries).

Yes, I still had a temper sometimes and I certainly suffered from quite a bit of self-doubt and recrimination. I don’t think the depression or anxiety is a product of the job, as I have had these twin beasts on my back for as long as I can remember; but now it is so much worse.

So this is an experiment and I’m going to document the experiment and even share it with the world.

Once upon a time a woman in her mid-thirties flew into the mental health system. She stayed for five years and flew back out again. Maybe she was confronting fears or healing her own wounds. Maybe she was getting experience that would help her in the next phase of her life. We don’t know how the story ends because it is just beginning.

Quit date: November 2, 2009.